American Kinja Warrior

An NCIS spinoff in the Age of Sail could actually be really cool, dealing with impressment and piracy, meting out floggings as punishments, etc.

That was such a bizarre decision (in a movie that was full of bizarre decisions). No Laurence Fishburne, no Hugo Weaving, but yes to bringing back Pinkett-Smith’s Niobe and having her do it in bad old-age makeup and a “pretending to be a granny” voice.

Maia Mitchell’s character must be at the very forefront of chemistry, as she appears to be using an Erlenmeyer flask several years before it was invented.

If Gatorade is making the alkaline pH of this water a “health-consciousmarketing point, have they then considered how that will look for their existing sports drink products, which are full of citric and phosphoric acids and have a pH of about 3?

I almost wonder if whoever put in this little detail wanted the time to be just faster than the world record, but confused minutes and seconds.

I was going to mention that as a chemist, it’s funny to see most of the same habits listed here. Excluding drinking out of quart containers, of course.

If the Boring Company builds any of those tunnels in the UK with the Teslas driving around inside, they should call them Froot Loops.

In a world where films themselves are alive, a spirited young animated movie tries to live up to her famous family’s legacy. The only catch is: she was born without a high concept! Watch her follow her own road to happiness in Pixar’s Pixar, in theaters whenever Pixar runs out of ideas.

It seems like the real play is:

It comes in a weird size, it appears to be 13.65 ounces. The first photo caption describes them as “tallboys,” which makes me think they have a similar form factor to 16 fl oz cans but have some sort of nitrogenation widget taking up space inside. That’s a lot of space though, considering Guinness draught cans hold

AUDIENCE: Stinger missiles, localized entirely behind the headlights of a BMW Z3?

I think this character is supposed to be the real person Francois de la Chaise, who was the personal priest of Louis XIV. Lachaise/de la Chaise had lived on a plot of land that would a century later be made into the cemetery that now bears his name. The historical records note that Lachaise spent a lot of time trying


A few years ago I learned that “plum pudding” doesn’t have any plums either (they’re raisins in this case). Clearly the English cannot be trusted with the English language.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is one of my favorite movies, so I have also given a lot of thought to the Grail trials:

The wiki for Last Crusade mentions that some of the last rewrites, including addition of the later Grail trials, were done by “Barry Watson”... who is actually famous playright (and occasional script doctor) Tom Stoppard.

In the universe of the films, the Grail isn’t in Petra (in modern Jordan, in the Emirate of Transjordan in the 1930s, and a site that was rediscovered in the 19th century) but in the Republic of Hatay. That was an interesting choice for a number of reasons.

100% an American accent. But what he should do is use his natural accent, refer to his position as “Crown Prosecutor,” wear a wig, and generally insist on practicing UK law to the consternation of his colleagues.

Any baby that survived “Red Light/Green Light” would then move on to the dalgona game, which unfortunately for them tests fine motor skills, recognition of shapes, and willpower to not eat candy.

It looks like there are in fact little rocks at the bottom of each bottle. The label uses the term “semi-precious stone infused room spray,” and the little rocks do resemble rough bits of quartz in thematically appropriate colors (the lavender scents have amethyst, the citrus has citrine, etc.) Can you really “infuse”