American Kinja Warrior

Also, the episode title is Quo Vadimus.

And what’s the deal with Dodo Airlines’ food?

If there were ever a forum where I would expect the Hitler Ate Sugar argument to be thrown around constantly, it’d be this one.

As important as “Calvin Klein” was to George and Lorraine’s relationship, I can buy that they wouldn’t think anything of it. After all, they knew Calvin for about a week 30 years ago, and Marty is their third child, obviously conceived over a decade later. Easy to write the resemblance off as an eerie coincidence.

Malboros are interesting because their threat level depends on how important status effects are in the game they’re in. In some entries in the FF series, status ailments are easily resisted, easily cured, or are of short duration, and malboros are just an annoyance. In other entries, Poison and Confuse will hit your

The reprogramming/cold storage plan is especially strange given how public the “outlier removal” process can apparently be. Why does a supergenius AI devoted to maintaining an orderly society and given nearly total authority to achieve that goal allow this process to involve kidnappings and murders on the streets of

And think of how much more exciting this movie would have been if McKidd had simply stayed in character as Lucius Vorenus for this role too. Or if they wanted to keep the Scottish background, as Soap MacTavish instead.

I think you have several good options here. Irish whiskey is already fine in a pinch in a standard Manhattan (to me, at least); in these proportions the difference in flavor from rye should matter even less.

I was reading the lyrics and wondering what sort of old-timey British marching tune went with them all the way until I got to the “freshy-e freshy” line, and was like, “wait a minute....”

The enemy that always gave me anxiety was Boss Bass (in 3-3 and 3-8). Not only could it swallow a powered-up Mario whole, if you killed it, it just came back a few seconds later. Also, while Mario games are filled with jumps over bottomless pits that the player either makes or dies instantly, falling into the shallow

They could simply claim the affected cars are an exclusive new special edition, the Lamborghini Aventador Superquarantena.

I’ve found I really only like premade gnocchi if they’re crisped up in oil like in this recipe. Package directions often give the option to boil them like pasta, but they become flavorless glueballs if you do that. Giovanni Rana has refrigerated “skillet gnocchi” that would probably work just as well here, and I like

Bob Kidneys Abishola

I generally agree with that, but an issue for me with The Magicians in the last couple seasons has been apocalypse fatigue. 

I still have my Yahoo email, which I signed up for in 2000. I of course have moved everything to Gmail, but the Yahoo account is nice for signing up for deals at stores.

As I mentioned in another post, Casino Night Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

For me, Sonic 2, really all the early levels, but I especially remember playing around in the slot machines in Casino Night Zone until the time limit ran out.

Bravo Six, going dAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"

H3O+, with the 3 subscripted and a positive charge is the hydronium ion, which is what forms when you dissolve an acid in water. The pH of a solution is the negative of the base-10 logarithm of the hydronium concentration.

Agreed that a separation technique like HPLC would be necessary; there’ s a lot of compounds in beer that would be UV-absorbing in the same range. In particular, the humulone derivatives that make hops bitter look like they would interfere with caffeine measurement. A common method of determining the IBU value for