American Kinja Warrior

I loved that the show didn’t call attention to it right away; I can picture most shows being unable to resist pointing out a charming little gesture like that immediately. Obviously they were going to mention it eventually, but it was great that they gave the audience a minute to notice it themselves before pointing

Wikipedia says that “Before the arrival of printing, the ‘copyist’s mistake’ or ‘scribal error’ was the equivalent for manuscripts.”

That’s not too far off- in Oregon Trail II, your wagon was more likely to tip over if you went up or down hills too fast or with an overloaded wagon. So the advice you would get would usually be to not do those things. Which is good to find out, after your wagon has already tipped over and you have lost all your

I bet it was their new head of QA, Lorem Ipsum.

The story was also a big deal because it snared some people that the public would at least recognize, which means Lifetime’s fictionalization completely misses the point. If the scandal had only caught some absurdly rich but generally anonymous finance types, there would have been some indignation, but as you say, it

I hope it’s a crossover with his role as the Arby’s spokesperson.

Same DeLorean, but from two different timelines.

Looks like Menefee’s tablet is no longer in immaculate condition. I hope it can still get Wi-Fi reception.

“Pretty In Pink Mist”

“They say that amethysts, I think it’s supposed to be heart-opening or something,” Paltrow says of a water bottle with an amethyst crystal in the center.

::Checks off another line in Yeats’s The Second Coming::

I considered that there might be religious or personal reasons behind Priya not using alcohol in her showstopper cake, but in the technical round she made a sabayon like everyone else, and there was no indication she left out/substituted the marsala wine she was supposed to use.

I know it’s always a possibility that the open-ended prompt for the showstopper will have several bakers ending up making similar desserts, but this time the show really needed to structure that challenge so there weren’t 4 of the same cocktail. Particularly not a pina colada, which probably didn’t exist in its

Really, I think car companies have shown admirable restraint in not using the word to advertise every movable part on a vehicle. Dynamic windshield wipers! Dynamic sun visors! Dynamic armrests! 

Semen factory finished, now smoking. 

I believe Sun Tzu also said something to the effect of “the general that shoots video in portrait mode has already lost the battle.”

The headlines going from bad to worse are amazing:

Well, you had to expect some Gladiators would get the thumbs down. 

Better at throwing footballs, worse at throwing Molotov cocktails.