
A true Bezos dorm would be a park bench with some old newspapers to cover you (and you’d pay extra for the newspapers)


Big Man On Campus.

I would LOVE the US to embrace capsule hotels, especially along the big interstate exits.

I’m skeptical that this design even has energy efficient HVAC. Whatever they claim to save on building costs could actually end up costing more in maintenance expenses.

Looks nicer than Zuckerberg Hall (sorry, let’s brand it Meta Hall)

Who runs Barter Town?

4500 men enter. One man leaves.

Hang on, Capsule Hotels are AWESOME. A place to rest, bathe, do laundry, and THAT’S IT. They are generally quiet because the guests are all solo and generally just passing the evening before going home. I love them. I’m just sad that many of them are going away in the Tokyo area.

A few things :
This design will have some problems with disease propagation.
This design is questionable with respect to standard fire protection practice.
This design is questionable with respect to modern security practices.
This design is questionable with respect to understanding how students behave.
UCSB is located

They also realized that the term ‘metaverse’ is going to continue growing and they’re positioning themselves to be able to control the trademark and sue the shit out of any other companies trying to develop anything in this space. 

Lore looks more human than Zuck.

The best theory I’ve heard about this is move (other than serving as a distraction) is that, as CEO of Meta, Zuck can name a new CEO of Facebook (the app) who can take some of the heat meant for him.

Why not? It has been working for ActiBlizzard: Do the bare minimum under the facade of “change”, do nothing internally. Corporatism MUST maintain the status quo and revenue flowing - at all costs.

Don’t worry, Facebook will still be a shit platform run by a shitty company called Meta now. 

Ironic considering how hard they’ve actively worked against world peace.

OK...I’ll bite.

Sure, it has no headphone jack, no wireless charging, no water resistance, no SD card slot ... But, hey, it has great specs to run the latest Help You By Monitor You” app from the People’s Republic of China.

What’s wrong with their government?”

Please tell us where you learned geography. Thanks!