
That pretty much depends on who you’re already following on Instagram (if you came from Instagram, anyway). When I registered to Threads and opened it up, it served me the same kind of things I’m following in Instagram: drag kings & drag queens, artists, and a whole lot of cat photos. Not a single brand or influencer

I avoid everything he touches like the fucking plague. Hilariously, do you know how actively bad you gotta be to run to fuckin Mark Zuckerberg?

It also had a ready base of users just like Google+. Just because we have accounts doesnt mean we use it. It also shows how much Twitter traffic is bots.

This is my experience. It’s actively difficult to engage with, because it shows me a bunch of posts I don’t care about, AND has a habit of showing the same posts over and over at the top of my feed, all the time.

Very true. Companies that ignore EU regulations and FTC security safeguard agreements are even worse

This seems like the obvious or at least partial reason to me. It took me 10 minutes to figure out the settings I wanted

Wouldnt doubt this is also the case even on twitter spending more than 5-10 minutes is insane to me, you scroll for a few maybe post once, and then your off it’s not a site/app that you spend 20-30 minutes doom scrolling normally

Part of the dropping engagement must be new people using it a lot for the first time, and then dropping down to normal levels once they've explored it. 

I could be wrong, but I’m guessing “Threads” is the new “Google+”, a bunch of initial hype, because everyone hates the current social media platforms, only for it to die off, because people hate the new social media platform AND none of their friends are on it.

Anything Zuckerberg is actively bad for you.

When I open the app, it’s a wall of influencers and brands posting the most boring things possible. What gets engagement on Instagram (people being hot) doesn’t make for good content on a text-based app (being smart or funny). They really need to change the algorithm to serve up good content, not content from people

Any app that won’t launch in the EU over ‘regulatory concerns’ is actively bad for you.

“Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.”

To paraphrase Monty Python:

At liftoff, the powerful shockwave also tore off the tower’s elevator doors. NASA officials downplayed the damage, saying some of it was expected.

Space is big.

The difference is that Trump and his supporters are habitual liars and bullshitters to a far greater degree than just about anyone else.

tRumps social media platform has been banned by Google and Apple because those conservative hacks are free to post anything. Musk has welcomed those same conservative hacks. Not to mention, since Musk took over Twitter 80% of advertisers have left.

what were the Howard Hughes signs?  saving body detritus in jars?  germophobia? (mormons?)  ...any islands with volcano hideouts on the market?

Derailing this for my own talking point. I don’t download a lot of Apps, I mostly hate them so I just use the web version on my phone and the web version of apps is getting much, much worse. I reasonably confident that every major service is deliberately sabotaging their mobile websites