
Correct. I use my Twitter account as a means to automatically upload my art from another website in the “hopes” of gaining more exposure. But I don’t use the account for following anyone and I rarely engage with anyone who’s just posting political, sports, or personal opinions (political or religious) as all that does

Hahaha! Perfect!

TikTok is my Twitter, even though I have a Twitter account. But, TikTok also places the same videos at the top of my feed as well, and I just sit there scrolling past video after video really quickly until something catches my eye. Mainly, I use my TikTok for posting about my business. I was rarely ever been able to

I can tell you this, I have absolutely no interest in Fakebook/Meta or Mark “The Robot” Zuckerberg. That being said, I still have a couple of Fakebook accounts. A personal one and one for business. But, I rarely use my personal account and only use my Fakebook business account for automatic uploads of my TikTok videos

Hey, Zaphod Beeblebrox was the only one to survive the Total Perspective Vortex. Hahaha! Talk about an ego! I bet Donald Trump would survive that machine as well.

 ... like, really, REALLY big. Like, it goes to infinity and beyond, BIG! lol!

Oh Goody, goody, goody! Maybe I can get my $Ħ¡₸₸ɇЯ account back so I can start selling MAGA crap to MAGA nuts! I could make a fortune! Wait a minute, didn’t Donald Trump already do that? Doh!

Isn’t “abusing” Freedom of Speech an oxymoron? Hahaha! Well, damn it, I’m gonna go outside right now and start abusing my right to freedom of speech and just see exactly what happens. Hahaha! I think you said that on purpose to get some honest, decent, laughs, which we all need right about now. Thank you, kindly. :-)

Good questions, both.

LOL! Fantastic!

Oh wow! Ain’t THAT the truth?! I can’t tell my best friend this who absolutely LOVES Elon Musk and “his???” Tesla cars. I can’t even talk to him about it. I just avoid the subject, especially when we’re driving to business meetings in his T3. He’s SO proud of his car. I admit, the car is cool, but he didn’t invent it,

No thanks to J.P. Morgan and Thomas Edison, of course.

The ability to afford very expensive, shady, lawyers, that’s how. Oh, that and a lot of greasing the right palms attached to those palms willing to be greased ... i.e. able to look the other way. You know ... politicians, judges, lawyers, “law???” enforcement et al.

Wow, you nailed that one right on the head! Good for you! I totally agree with everything you stated. Great observation.

That IS pretty funny, though, when you think about it. Elon does make some fairly silly pronouncements, and the fact that he couldn’t get out of buying Twitter and then Twitter subsequently disintegrating right before his eyes is, well, hilarious! I can’t imagine throwing away $44-billion dollars. Think of all the

Oh boy. I see a lot of “experts” commenting here that they completely understand how the collection of user data actually works, so they’re not worried about it. This is going to be very interesting to see develop down the road. Perhaps, just around the corner. Who knows? Oh yeah! The “experts” commenting here know!

Wow, it sure takes a lot to pull away from earth’s gravity well. Costly, too, I bet. Couldn’t Space X get us there for a more affordable price?

Meta = Morons Eating TƲ®Ɑ$ Always

Exactly! ӺԱ₡Ʞ€Я߀Я₲ is a useless eater, just like ALL multi-billionaires are. Fakebook is literally the absolute WORST platform for advertising on, for posting videos on, for sharing with friends and family, and for, well, just about anything and everything under the sun. I rarely ever go on Fakebook anymore. Still

Notice that Steeplejack only has two “likes.” [It]’s probably just a paid, corporate, troll. Nowadays, it’s really difficult if not completely impossible to know who or what’s a troll and who or what’s a real human being with real human thoughts. lol! Dat’s da way da cookie crumbles, dough.