
Because if you’re not going to I’m not going to? And neither is the next person down the line. Does everyone need to “work” in the traditional sense, no. Does everyone need to do something to better society and the human race? Yes.

When AI, automation and new technologies negatively impact your issues and politics overlap pretty quickly.

This assclown is going to end up killing hundreds of thousands with his attitude toward this virus! Friggin Numpty. Good job assclown.

Now playing

If you’re friends with P.,
Well, then you’re friends with me.


Not to mention the taxpayer funded healthcare they get if needed.

Trump had secret service change Pence’s codename to “fallguy”

meanwhile my work is telling someone to come in when they have a fever of 103+. I don’t think they have the virus but either way stay the hell home

CPAC will gladly give you a 5% discount coupon toward your next cremation.

It’s so great that these elder statesmen have the financial flexibility to stay at home for two weeks.

Damn. I fully expected the MAGA Rally of the Red Death would take place at Mar-a-Lago. Looks like I lose the pool.

Don’t forget that American manufacturing relies on Chinese suppliers for their parts. 

Yep, there are a lot of reasons why I like the Pixels. And one of the biggest is no-bullshit Android. But as other brands are getting less bullshit, and Google keeps dropping useful and valuable things, the “Google tax” as you put it becomes less and less justified.

Ouch on the honeymoon photos. So sorry. That sucks.



I don’t think this change in particular will sway me, but I will be begrudgingly paying for the storage. While I’m not likely to need the originals in most cases, it’s the possibility of needing them that I want to protect. I don’t want there to be a time when I need or want that photo with all the original detail...

How about wireless charging? Is that available with this one?