
Not only that, since this phone is made in China and all businesses and corporations and banks in China are owned and operated by or controlled by and profit-sharing (by force) by the Chinese “Communist???” (I question if the C-“C???”-P is legitimately communist in any way, shape, or form) Party.

So, does this mean that I’m most likely going to have to switch over to a Linux operating system? lol!

As jordan.w.s stated to you ... Australia like South America, like South Africa and like the other half of this planet, are in the SOUTHERN hemisphere. So, that means that while we are experiencing winter up here in the NORTHERN hemisphere during OUR winter months, THEY are experiencing SUMMER because the planet is

Excellent conversation with Regina King. One Night in Miami has been added to my wife’s and my “watch list”. Looking forward to it.

Egads! NO! lol! I have often come across many Sikhs here, in the Los Angeles area over the years who clearly do not use any sort of odor-masking DE-odorants. Although, many people can and often do have very strong body odor, that, however, does not mean that they are filthy. On the contrary, any human being can take

It truly is amazing how many ignorant people there are out there in the world.

I’m so happy that I have never been a fan of any Apple products, to begin with ... not that Windows is filled with fluffy clouds and flying angels, because, it’s not. I just never liked Apple’s overall platform. I know that a LOT of people like, even love it, but I don’t. I guess we all have our own preferences, I

Of course, it’s unfortunate that the word “Welfare” has been turned into an “evil” word no thanks to (mostly) the Repub-LIE-CON Party ... but, let’s not leave the wrongly named “Democratic?” Party out of this conversation, because, if any of you are old enough to remember, Bill Clinton is the “Democratic?” @$$wipe who

Correct. $24,000.00 a year is only a few thousand dollars above the poverty line. So, as many of the commentators are mentioning here in this forum, receiving $2,000.00 a month ON TOP OF earning a minimum wage of hopefully $15.00 (or more?) per hour should be enough to help the average worker make ends meet. There are

Technically and realistically, a $15.00 an hour minimum wage is ALREADY way behind the rate of U.S. inflation, and this has been mentioned in study after study over the last four decades. If the minimum wage had actually kept up with inflation when it stopped doing so somewhere around the year 1974, then today’s

Well, thank goodness you don’t claim to be or self-identify as a “Christian”. We certainly don’t want any hypocrites amonst our citizenry. lol!

Bwahahahaha! Hilarious!

Even if they got sick and survived, they would still avoid being “humble”. They are incapable of humbleness. It’s just who they are. Many conservatives claim to be “Christians”, but when they are actually put on the line as a human being, they are often found to be just the opposite of a true Christian or a truly

Interesting. Can you post a link to where you heard or read this? Word of mouth just isn’t going to cut it. But I would like to validate that statement. Although, I wouldn’t at all be surprised by this sort of thing, I would still like to verify what you wrote.

Not just that he would say something so ignorant, but the fact of the matter is that it would take a couple of decades to rebuild our manufacturing infrastructure anyway. Congressman Gosar is a highly ignorant dimwit and how he got elected tells you a lot about the majority of residents of Arizona. Which is funny,

Not “if needed”, because they are human beings as well, of course, they use their benefits! They GAVE themselves those benefits. They also give themselves magnificent pay raises that you and I don’t have any say in, which is weird, since they (allegedly) work for us.

Representative Gosar is an IDIOT! But then, this is what we are witnessing from the “Grand?” VERY OLD, Party on a daily basis. There’s no law against being ignorant and just plain old stupid. I believe the Republican motto on the walls of Congress and the Senate (and the White House, when a Repub-LIE-CON is screwing

... will ALL hopefully contract the disease and ALL [REDACTED] as soon as possible ... and the sooner, the BETTER for ALL of us. Hahaha! YES!

The FCC is corrupt. But wait, aren’t all of the government agencies corrupt? Oh yeah, they are! Doh! I amost forgot!

You need to use spell check or Grammarly before posting a story. It’s “threw” not “through”.