
I don’t want ANY ads. Period. When I want something, I will go and find it. I can do my own research. I don’t NEED some asinine corporation whom I could care less agout lambasting my feed or my page with idiotic, highly irrelevent, obnoxious, and virtual digital space-consuming ad content where actual relevant

I agree! That was one of the things that made me (almost) not get the Pixel 1 in the first place. The lack of an SD card, little to NO decent actual storage on the phone itself. That was definitely a crappy marketing ploy to get Pixel users to literally be forced to buy more storage from Google. But, I have gotten

The more comments I read, the more convinced that I will NOT be “upgrading?” to the Pixel 4. Hahaha! Damn, am I ever glad I opened this Gizmodo email article link. I have read an excellent article as well as having gotten a LOT of really good input from other readers/users of Pixel phones/Smart Phones in general.

Hear! Here!

Yeah, well, I don’t plan on upgrading from my Pixel 1, at least, not yet. It’s not the greatest phone in the world, but it works just fine for what I seem to need or for what I use it for on a daily basis. But then, I’m a simple man, with simple needs (spoken with an Irish accent).

My Pixel 1 uses a walker to get around. But, hey, it’s still alive! That’s something!

“OG Pixel”, I love that! Hilarious! “Yo, I got’s me uh OG Pixel and I ain’t afraid to use it bro’!” lol! Old Google/Old Gangsta’... same thing, really.

Well, my wife and I still have the first generation Pixel phones... and we (mostly me) were kicking ourselves for not waiting the extra two months for the Pixel 2. This phone is fine, I guess, but I am not going to go running out and purchasing the Pixel 4 anytime soon. I have even considered going back to the Galaxy