
I appreciate this breath of fresh air. The woes of middle aged disillusioned men are a frankly underexplored theme in literature and film. I look forward to what will doubtless be a unique insight into this marginalised perspective.

Their hemp reusable bags

I’m sure he didn’t mean it, but he basically just denied the divinity of Christ. Im surprised that a strident and vocal atheist would be elected in Alabama.

God is also very old, so the age difference is even bigger.

I think adoption is different. That makes you LEGALLY your parents’ child. But in this scenario, Jesus’s dad was professed to be God, not Joseph. They specifically went out of their way to refer to Jesus’s dad as his dad. And Joseph was scarcely mentioned afterwards. I grant you your point, but you’re living in the

You need to re-read your Bible. Here is is, right in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 2

So far the Trump Administration has defended:

According to WaPo, it was actually white college educated women that tipped the bar Democratic in VA.

Flippable! Every time I visit there and use their information and read about actions I am more and more impressed. They have a carefully thought-out, meticulously-researched, bold 4-point plan to influence politics in a progressive direction, and one of their main points is to fight gerrymandering though flipping

Gerrymandering doesn’t prevent waves. In fact, it makes your party more at risk in wave elections. Basically, gerrymandering spreads your votes so that you have majorities in more districts, but with a smaller spread (for example your party is up 55-45 in 3 districts (gerrymandered), vs. up 60-40 in 2 districts and

Guys, let this be a reminder of several things.


Carrie in Paris was one giant cringefest. That shit was the prototype for basic white women everywhere. Veering off topic slightly, but Paris is my most despised city on earth (or at least of all the cities on earth I’ve visited, which is a few) and I wish people would stop romanticising it. Especially those who

You are correct. I should have been more specific - it effectively eliminates it for me and anyone else buying a home near a major coastal city. The average home price is north of $700K and climbing where I live. I get why the mortgage interest deduction is in the cross hairs - a million dollar mortgage is intended

I was riding my bike on a canal trail several years ago when I heard a noise to my right. I was going at a good clip and glanced to my right to see a little bullet goose head right next to me with one beady dead like inches from my face. It had come up from the canal and was behind me with its wings on either side of

Yep! Thanks. As far as SATC and Madonna, I think for all their !women power! shit on Jez, there’s an accepted level of middle aged lady actor/entertainer disparagement encouraged here. It’s like the ship has sailed on middle aged lady coolness and any attempts at publicly living their middle aged lives annoy the youth

From the news I’ve been reading, my taxes will likely go up under this plan. Between eliminating the mortgage interest deduction (about to buy a house in one of the most expensive and competitive markets in the country), eliminating adoption tax credits (wife and I are looking to grow our family in the next year),

One thing that I don’t think gets enough attention is how much this tax plan will fuck over graduate students

My wife and I got engaged 11 years ago on a trip (long romantic weekend). Once I proposed and she said yes we called everyone. The first question most asked was “what was the ring like”. We had to take a picture with her circa 2004 flip phones camera (where you are lucky to see the fingers let alone the ring) and text

Aldi take-and-bakes have made delivery pizza almost irrelevant to me. $5.99 for an 18” pizza that’s on the better side of decent? Sold.