
“Anarchists Unite!”

“It was a sad, dark speech that spoke in brutal terms about the president his party elected, although many over the course of Flake’s anti-Trump crusade have noted that he’s no moderate hero, and likes to preach a return to good old non-racist “conservative values””

Flake wasn’t playing Bannon’s game. Kelli Ward is running and far more in line with Bannon. Pro-Wall, Pro-Gun, Pro-Markets, and psychotic.

I miss every one of them, tbh. I never in my life until now worried about the country getting into a nuclear war. Or America losing all its allies and turning authoritarian. Or lots of other stuff. W wasn’t too smart but he never tried to destroy American government and divide its citizens over ramped up bullshit,

I think she does - but I also think its probably hard to think he was also a drug addict and committed suicide. I mean his awesomeness was driven by a much darker side sadly.

I love this new version of the male apology: the one that invokes pity on the person apologizing rather than the actual victims.

Under the American legal system, is it possible for someone who was not the victim and not present at a crime to file charges against a perpetrator because they’d “heard a rumor” that he’d raped someone?

I think there’s only 3 options for people like Tarantino, Damon, Clooney, etc.: They knew and approved or they knew but didn’t want to rock the boat or, possibly the worst one, they knew but took it for granted as standard operating procedure.

oooooor you could just leave her alone because she is up there helping out an amazing cause and you are insulting a woman on the internet for no good reason.

Oddly, I thought the Care Bear movie was frightening. I thought it’d be all cute care bare stares and did not expect the evil book.

I still don’t buy this. He’s an uncontrolled dumpster fire no matter what’s going on. I don’t think it’s strategy, I this its just Trump being Trump.

Yea, these stories are incredibly one-sided. My grandparents had a foster (now adopted) son who was born addicted to drugs. His mother never made any real attempts to get clean, her residence was constantly full of lowlife scum, and she had about 10 different kids by 8 different guys- none of whom stayed in her or the

As someone who also works with victims of child abuse and neglect, I really don’t know what Jezebel is trying to accomplish with this series. I’ve seen struggling (but well-intentioned) parents in the system that just needed some education and support to be truly great. However, all the parents interviewed so far in

You don’t have to defend them. They got the baby, despite their total lack of preparation or common sense.

I was adopted as an infant, but know my biological family and I totally agree.

If I were to give instructions to my husband on loading the dishwasher, it would start like:

Long ago, a man apologized to me for his friend’s drunken verbal assault on me the night before. He said something I have held in my heart all of my life, “A drunken man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts.”

Just in case this didn’t crop up here before now.

He threatened fire and fury for North Korea even as actual fires cover vast swathes of the western states. As Jon Stewart pointed out on Colbert, he talked about the calm before the storm when millions of Americans are still recovering from four actual storms. He sent his bagman to Indianapolis to protest the

Do you think the average Trump fan remembers either of those countries exists on a regular basis?