
Keep looking for docs, or at least get a why. Propranolol was really easy for me to get, so I could give book reports at 16 without shaking. it’s really benign for most, so demand a legit reason.

Really? It’s pretty well used for this, in conjunction with neuropathy in the diabetes world. May be an unintended side effect at first, but pretty well accepted, and often needed, with our diabetes population. I’m a little perplexed you are pushing back on this so hard? It is working for this person, under

Propranolol is awesome for the physical symptoms of anxiety. Like you if i can control the physical then I can subdue the mental. I’ve always had hand tremors so started taking this.. life is just more manageable, less scary. It has a short half life, so (with my docs ok!) I can take again in the evening if I have an

True, the best “go out and vote Doug Jones” I’ve heard has been from GEORGE WILL! DNC where are you?

Thank you. I live so close to Murfreesboro. I’m the white mother of a biracial little boy, who Is my world. To know how close a mob of people who hate him for no reason other than melanin, were to his home, his world, has left me shaking. He obliviously played and laughed his way through the weekend. I wish for a

It is probably medicaid. The fees at these places wipe out all your finances, or your poa liquidate your assets so you look broke, and then medicaid kicks in.

Put aside the appalling bigotry behind this ban.... logically are there really so many young people, in good enough physical condition (this is a legit worry), that we ought to be turning down any mentally competent persons that actually want to join the military?

This, his ego needs the media to react. His base needs the media to react to focus their hatred/frustrations on, thus cementing them to trump further. If the media went radio silent on trump’s antics... am the mother of a toddler, ignore the tantrum, even negative reactions are still a reaction...

Romney is over it. He just did a huge conference about bipartisanship in park City with Joe Biden as keynote speaker. Utah is ever so gradually getting more liberal ND It “seems” he is all aboard that train.

‘ what is bad for the community is bad for the economy’ simple, eloquent and true.

They are trying to keep up with a rapidly changing membership. (To be fair VERY FEW places offer paid leave, they are kinda ahead of the norm on this one) There was an interesting piece in the sl trib about how the younger generation of members is decidedly less white and nearly 50% self identified as democrat, that

Absolutely, in re reading my comment came off as overly harsh, when really it is just sad. These are smart, formerly professional women, who likely started on this path as a way to socialize with other adult women who, outside of motherhood, they may not have a lot in common with.... my point is really that in

Yes! I am newly stay at home for a year and the culture of mommy day drinking was surprising to me. Women in their late thirties, on a playdate, drinking a yeti full of pinot grigio at the neighborhood pool, then stumbling around trying to get the 2.5 kids into the Honda Odyssey to make dinner. .. and the weekends

Why can’t trump and his overlords actually learn something from Russia, in addition to selling out america? At least get something beneficial of it. What i mean is for a party that hates communism like the Republicans, learn from Russian history. If you starve the poor, they ‘eat’ the rich. Ideally we should help

This is true, but if the anti Hispanic talk continues.... that is the fastest growing population in the Mormon church = tithing $$$$. If my Facebook feed about what has been said at the last conference is to be believed the leadership is all but calling trump the antichrist. Truly wouldn’t be surprised if utah moved

Seriously, they went trump at the end of the day.... morals??

Yes!! Im shocked how more attention wasn’t given to his treatment of Carolyn Kempner ( his ‘princess di’ cohort from the apprentice) unerd the bus as soon as she got successful, press of her own. ..

Thank you, I couldn’t imagine they would leave it. Now I guess they get to figure out the funding without it, eyeroll.

My state might be hers..... I played with the numbers on the gov website, to get an $80/month subsidy for a silver tier plan ($700/ month premium, $13000 family deductible) I had to put my family of 3's annual income down to $35k. The math on that is boggling, but there is only one insurance company left on the
