
You know, even if the chyron didn’t name the Nashville airport, I still would have known that’s where he was due to that hideous carpet.

Unless you announce, before you order, that you don’t tip then you’re not taking a principled stand. You’re just a cheap POS.

I don’t even think ma’s a bad tipper, she’s just 75. My old man who is a fine gentleman in his late 60's, still thinks that 15% is a normal tip. To me, 20% is normal. Somehow the onus that’s been put on us diners has climbed over the years, and nobody’s bothered to let our forebears in on that.

a platform for the desperate to raise money for things the government should provide.

I sold a bunch of stuff before the end of the year. This is a fake economy, and it cannot hold up these kinds of gains for much longer.

They should protect their customers and make them come back with a warrant. Like a reputable business.

Or the time he thought Frederick Douglass was still alive.

Lost 20 on Weight Watchers probably 4 years ago now, before they updated and then updated and then updated, again, their program. My greatest beef with it right now is... why keep changing the system? Why assign arbitrary points numbers to some foods one year - and then change it the next? It’s confusing and doesn’t

I’m also from western NY. My analogy is to remember what it’s like during the first snowfall or two of every winter and how half the population seems to have to re-learn winter driving. Now imagine an entire population of inexperienced winter drivers! The worst part of winter driving is always other drivers so I’d

I’m going to follow suit and post a happy thing:

Hatch has also been a major force in making sure you don’t know if your dietary supplements are real or actually just cat dandruff and food dye.

As far as Utah republicans go, Mittens is as close to a democrat as you’re gonna get. He’s a pretty big upgrade over Hatch even hough he’s a total shitbag.

The DOJ is actually part of the Executive Branch, the branch Trump is the head of. So it seems he’s admitting to running the “Deep State” himself.

Doesn’t matter, Willard “Mitt” Romney helped run the Winter Olympics in Park City, UT, which pretty much went without incident. Even after 15 years, expect that to be mentioned daily until election day.

Stay friends with benefits, though.

Not to trivialize the discussion, but I tend to think the same thing about music, and photos, and most everything else we now interact with electronically.

Get off social media. Do it now, it’s poison. Social media has given people the power to send their annual cloying “family update Christmas letter!” in pieces three times a week, with exactly the same amount of subliminal airbrushing.

Same age group, and I agree; analog dating was so much easier. Texting and social networking create a drug-like effect. The highs are higher, and the lows are lower. My 20-something niece and nephew are struggling, and I hate to see it.

Pretty much “never go to HR” is my motto and the motto of everyone I have ever worked with. They’re generally a scourge and they never make employee lives better, only worse. I play nice with HR as an act of self-preservation, but would never trust them.

I agree-ish, but I’d walk on eggshells around HR. Don’t forget that HR is there first and foremost for the company. If LW is in a temp position this could backfire and not get her in the running for a permanent position or just be let go. I think depression can be categorized as a disability (?) so it might be illegal