
As a young intern in a rehab unit that served mainly tbi, quadra/Paraplegia it was atv’s in the summer/fall, ski’s/snowboards in the winter, cars year round...

Sounds like she was on a razr. Kind of an atv, dune buggyish hybrid.

I think it might be an age thing, my 3 yo categorizes everything as boy/girl, mom/dad and we have really tried not to do the gender stereotyping. With him it doesn’t mean those rules apply to him, just others. Three year olds are master’s of the double standard, but really the world is soo big and they are just

Humiliated, and I imagine horrified. Ive seen mitt in action during the olympics, he is dadish and dorky and I certainly don’t support his politics, bUT he isn’t directly evil or cruel. how must it feel to know you lost and this evil incarnate won? at the end of the day though he and everything and everyone he

All that and he put Romney down, the slc Olympics savior. Trump should have just said steve young was an overrated quarterback.... would have been equally devastating to his campaign ;)

We’re missing a point here. It is about weight, but that weight affects young black women differently than young overweight/obese white women. Genetically young overweight/obese black women have a statistically higher incidence of pre eclampsia/hypertension, gestational diabetes, iugr... so yes canada, Australia may

I appreciate that you seem to take a kinder tone than most of the articles. That isn’t a criticism of the others, I like snark, but it is refreshing and humanizing to have the contrast as well.

When we moved “hulyan and maya” mysteriously didn’t work in our new home....he mysterious ;)

This is a real problem. ..young, uneducated, displaced surplus flds young men in slc. It is very sad and most do what they have to do to survive, or numb out.

This is actually how it started with mormons....they were chased out of the USA across the plains. Not enough men left living to protect the women and children in the dessert. Preservation.

Then there are all the variations of modi, lada...lada, I have seen so many thin and heavy patients treated unsuccessfully for years as type find out they are type 1...

Very much this, and many start suffering from really scary hypoglycemia about five years post surgery, prior to circling back to diabetes. You can’t regenerate overworked, depleted islet cells. Hopefully one day....

I used to work in the burn unit in the nearest after suffering a hot springs injuryis unfathomable to me. ...those poor souls

Right, how is taking care of a non-consuming doll, in the comfort of your parents home supposed to be off putting? Many people find baby care (me included) fun, rewarding, and important. Figuring out how to pay for it all is when it gets real...

There is addison’s which is very rare and not what he is reporting. The ‘symptoms’ of adrenal fatigue is so classically stress/depression for most of the people claiming it and real help can be had, but not in the realm of endo, which the adrenal glands fall into. The help though does take long term commitment and not

Can’t tell you the number of conservative, lds friends who now too have adrenal fatigue. .... having worked in endocrinology for many decades this is not a ‘disease’ we ever treated, so I go with your diagnosis. ...

Yes!! People who love these don’t clean their own grout....

We adopted our beautiful little boy, easiest adoption ever but still Sooooo hard. That month of not knowing if either birth parent would change their mind. I couldn’t help but bond and love him more than life, but my god it was scary to do so.

It is used in ivf.

I have... in july. Hot, humid, sunburns galore, but oh the down-home southern charm 😊 love dolly, so refreshinguy positive in such a cynical world.