
Are you anymore “fucked” with one vs two kidneys in either of those scenarios? As a person with one kidney I have been categorically told by numerous nephrologists the answer is no as those are systemic diseases. Now if you were to suffer a direct blow, injury to the one kidney then you have a point, but at a much

Thank you for the info. I’m glad Ohio state law is set up that way. I guess the three state laws I had to work through are not universal. This makes me happy, yet still so sad that an innocent, new life has been lost.

As an adoptive mom domestic born infant I can also tell you that this would make a legal adoption of this baby almost impossible. Most states require both the birth father and certainly the birth mother sign off on domestic adoptions. I don’t think this is a bad thing per se but makes anonymity very difficult too

It kinda does make sense though. .. at 32 you are more likely to be done with school, on a career path, maybe own a home. marriage is tough at an older age you are more likely to have the resources financially, and perhaps emotionally/socially walk away from something that isn’t working .

And the 2x a year they do the 5$/box coupons on the ‘good’ diapers. I so wanted the generic diapers to work they just never did on my kiddo. The formula savings was also hard to beat and they always let you combine their coupons with the Similac ones.

Cheese prices cannot be beat, same with their 7 dozen box of eggs, and diapers, diapers, diapers (especially the 3 times a year you get th 5$ off/box coupons.)

Yup, perfect for toddler level disposable. Plus side is it is really cute and pricey looking. Only thing I can’t do are the dressy button ups for my little man because the wrinkles never come out! Would be a pro but I rarely subject either of us to the torture of getting him in a button up shirt....

when she is older....what I did was have my dentist deaden my lip, electrolysis every 6 ish weeks. Did this my senior year of high school and rarely have to pluck anything from my chin or lip and I am close to 40. Pain at the time though..but a big pay off.

Triple paste! How do parents survive without this, one application and diaper rash is healed. Full rounds of antibiotics with no diaper rash due to this miracle elixir!

also awesome if baby has a diaper rash and the wipes hurt. Coconut oil on a warm wet baby washcloth so much nicer for sore little bums.

Was recently flying with my toddler and was given a card and the unslocited advice that I really ought to consider headshots for him. According to this 'industry insider' he is 'ethnic looking, but not really...' and that books well in children's work. I have never wanted to punch someone in the nose like that

my grandmother was such a constant, I still can't fully grasp life without her. She had one wish to see all of her four grandchildren happy. After many years of struggle my husband and I finally adopted our beautiful son, the last loose end in her eyes. Being so busy with a newborn I didn't get to her til my son

yumm, love the habit!! I also love a small place in utah called the cottonbottom, best garlic burgers that are so delicious after a day of snowboarding.

Oh believe me there is a whole Lotta cheese in these, like a half a bricks worth. Grew up in Utah never had them with the cornflakes topping.... where did that come from?

I agree. On one hand I feel so bad for the victim and the other girls this 'mother' is exposing to this man and if media coverage can help protect the defenseless than wonderful. It seems though the continuing coverage of this tradgedy means the next story has to be more tragic and salacious than the last.

Yes! The rack is second only to Walmart in anxiety inducing retail hell. Regular Nordstrom lounge is what I hope heaven is like :)

Completely, the more you try to de escalate some tantrums in spirited kids the longer they last and the more tantrums you are visited with... the ignore and move on works out much better and less future tantrums imo. They are cagey little punchkins and know when they get a rise out of you and loooove the attention.

This book! My third grade teacher would read this to us after lunch in a dark room. I would sit with my head on my desk and ears covered, but enough snuck in that I can't sleep in a dark room with a mirror and side eye vegetable gardens. ... I would have lost my mind had I been able to see the pictures!

I am very familiar with this. Got lot's of pressure to do this or utilize a milk bank when we got our son. So many well meaning people just didnt seem to be able to process bonding without giving birth and wanted to make my story more identifiable with their own experience, i guess. Every mom has to do what is