
Des Moines area resident here. I don’t recall there being a Taco John’s there circa 2009, but the area has changed a lot, so... *shrug*

But for all you folks who are like, “What the fuck is Taco John’s?” It’s basically less-shitty (but still not great) fast food Mexican. And they have the most goddamn delectable potato

I REALLY hope some kinds come by wearing Fortnite costumes, though I live in a small town in a relatively rural area, so I’m not counting on it. If they do though, I will do the Orange Justice dance. Either they’ll find it fun that someone acknowledges their hobby, or they’ll be horrified an adult likes the same thing

This is fucking bullshit. Don’t cause hysteria? If this happened to me I’d unplug the fucking thing myself and chuck it through Kemp’s window. (Yes I’m being hyperbolic - but god goddamn could you count on me making a scene. The idea we're supposed to trust these motherfuckers is laughable and yet we, for some reason,

I totally do this too. Affirmation!

“Andis Mueller actually black? In the video, Mueller looks like Dwayne Johnson if The Rock started reading more and working out less. What righteous black man refers to himself as a “man of color,” even if his color could only be replicated by buying a 64-pack box of Crayola crayons, melting down a raw sienna and

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Maybe it’s because I was an impressionable (gullible) youth at the time, but the Sega Dreamcast ‘heist’ commercial always resonated with me. For a moment in time, I really believed this consoles was capable of Skynet-like intelligence.

Check out Image while you're at it. Not as much traditional capes stories, but lots of really cool stuff that's unique AND they're much better with creators. I'd recommend Wicked + Divine, Monstress, Saga, for starters.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s early adventures are easy enough: beat off bandits...”

I need to play this game. 

Look, I like a nice drink of cold water. Doesn’t make drowning in the ocean seem appealing. There is such a concept as “too much of a good thing.


The toys R too big to fail!!

This actually kind of damages the illusion for me, because I can more clearly tell his legs and butt are pads. It’s like when I see the legs move, I can tell the bone isn’t where it would be on a cis woman, so his movements seem a bit janky and narrow. That said, it is impressive and commendable that he memorized and

I think what Cicero is saying is they like the ideas, but not the gameplay they’re wrapped around - which is fair. Not everyone is down with the Fortnite aesthetic, you need to become just as good at building as shooting to be top-tier, and it’s a third-person game. Saying they like the ideas but would rather they

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I mean, there’s always this one waiting in the wings:

I’m from Iowa, same as Grassley. “Doddering, half-senile grandpa” is pretty much spot-on, but far from tolerating him at Thanksgiving, much of the state loves him. “Oh Grandpa, you know there weren’t any rayguns in World War 2 - you’re so silly!”

...what? No, this would only make sense if the two demographics were on equal footing behaved in the same manner. There are tons of men only gatherings, either explicitly or implicitly, which was THE WHOLE POINT of the event, ie. “Hey, this feels like a boy’s club where you’re not allowed. So we’re swinging the doors

But my uncle is always saying on Facebook how Republicans actually love blacks and it’s the Democrats who are racist, actually.*

*Not that Democrats are saints or anything, but it’s kinda weird** how it’s the Republicans (who, again, are painting themselves as the party for blacks) who keep electing people that

I quite like the design. Hold a Twitter poll!

Allow me, if you will, to revise the entry about United. Because in my experience, the answer is “jack” and “shit”. I will tell you my tale:

As long as this is directed at United, I am a-okay with this advice. Be nice to everyone else, but fuck United.