Noam Schlongsky

There were some four syllable words in there but I think I managed. Thanks, that was very helpful!

HBO CEO of Tits is on today’s Doug Loves Movies! And he talks about the AV Club! That is all.


I’m actually shocked at the quality of the character designs. This is a lot better than “presidential parody cartoon” would have led me to believe.

How shitty is Ted Cruz that he finds himself posing for photos with the son of the “pathological liar,” “utterly amoral,” “serial philanderer,” “sniveling coward” who insulted his wife, and slandered his father?

Yeah, I’m coming up blank on why they’re so amused by this. 

This is like hearing some piece of shit in a piece of shit band talking shit about the Beatles.

Because, especially if you’re retired, there’s not a waking moment you can’t spend ensconced in the right-wing media bubble. Websites are constantly updated, local and national talk shows are on throughout the day, and just when their programming is starting to lag, it’s the evening and you can tune into the evening

Saw an old white lady wearing a MAGA hat today. I just felt sorry for her. I don’t know how these people continue to delude themselves into believing in President Asshole.

It’s just thirty minutes of pure bloody carnage repeated each episode. The methodology changes but the show always ends with everyone dead... Kind of like Aqua Teen, Sealab, or Squidbillies.

Because deep down, they know. They know that Obama is smarter, kinder, and most painfully, much more popular and better liked than any of them will ever be. They also know that he looks even better than he ever actually was when compared to them.

that trump guy sucks

Serious question:

You really buried the lede there.

The presidents 40 year old son can’t tell the difference between a cookie and a cake.

Jr. looks like he’s wearing a fucking mouth guard. What is it with the Trumps and dentures? Use your billions and gold-plate a couple of toothbrushes to put in your bathrooms, you fucking trash-people.

How shitty is your life when you find yourself posing for photos with Ted Cruz?

Intresting study in dental diversity. Cruz has dozens of little lamprey teeth while the other guy appears to have one single solid tooth, as though his upper and lower mandibles have fused into one enamel plate.

And where can I get one of these Jonah Hill cookies?