Noam Schlongsky

Well, it’s sort of hard to advance the cause of objective reality since it should be able to stand on its own. Y’know, being literal fact.

Since when does Trump need fodder to call out “the media”? I especially like how we pretend it’s the whole media, too. The people who can’t tell the difference between a Daily Show comedian and the NYT are the people who believe the news is “biast” for not agreeing that Trump’s inauguration crowd was bigger than

Wolf’s point is that she behaves like Aunt Lydia, not that she looks like her. Aunt Lydia is the one who gets up in front of a crowd every episode and puts a spin on the regime’s horrible tactics.

Not really. Michelle Wolf is punching up. That equals comedy. Speaking truth to power is the bomb.

This was hilariously savage. So many good moments. “Mike Pence is the kind of guy who brushes his teeth and then drinks orange juice and thinks, ‘Mmmm.’”

if Trump’s skin was any thinner it would be vapor. – Religion Is 4 Dolts, Behind your bushes, United States, 2 days ago

I haven’t seen Handmaid’s Tale but was just googling pics and... is it a “low blow” to say that someone looks like someone else? Like, if the joke were “you look like Jabba the Hutt” I’d get it, but... Ann Dowd is also a person, and not an ugly one (to the extent that even matters here)! The whole point of the joke

I don’t think “Aunt Lydia in The Handmaid’s Tale” is a dig at Huckabee-Sanders’ appearance so much as at her role as a willingly propping up a regressive administration through propaganda re-education? (Especially with the Pence line to follow-up.)

They made a documentary where they complain that he exists, but I’ve yet to hear that side mention an actual negative Indian stereotype Apu perpetuates. It’s all “some racists quoted him at me”, “he’s played by a white guy”, or “as the first prominent Indian character on TV he’s somehow meant to represent all Indian

Whiny Hari fucks up here.

Yes, it is. People need to get over their dumb butthurt feelings. No one promised you that life would never leave you feeling offended.

Manic Street Preachers are amazingly consistent considering how long they’ve been going and how many albums they’ve released. They had a bit of a slip in the late 90s and early 00s (This Is My Truth had a few great singles but was a bit Britpop, Know Your Enemy and Lifeblood were patchy), but since Send Away the

Excellent. Big fan of the Manics, more familiar with the early stuff of course. Saw them a few years ago in a small venue in Canada with maybe 500 people and they blew the doors off, amazing show. Motorcycle Emptiness from that gig is one of the best live performances I have ever seen.

Michael Schur shows, all for the same reasons because I’m a dumb-dumb. I was late to “Parks” (only season I watched live was the last season) because I didn’t like Amy Poehler beforehand, I was a season late to “Good Place” (caught S1 on Netflix at the suggestion of my lady) because I found Kristen Bell rather bland,

For me it was probably the AV Club. I have been reading the Onion forever so I have always known about the AV Club and probably read my first AV Club article 20 years ago. But it was never a site I frequented, feeling it was a place for Film and TV snobs and social maladjusts. Maybe five years ago I had an epiphany

Don’tcha just love people who have strong opinions about shit they freely admit they know nothing about?

In offices all across America, my dude.

Anyone shocked it was granola that didn’t sell so good at Walmart?

It comes conveniently pre-ruined from the store. You just take it home and throw it directly in the trash.

It’s okay she’ll get another 4 (or more) probably. Plus she doesn’t have to attend all this stuff with her ex. She’s probably relieved.