Noam Schlongsky

No, because the crucial difference is evidence. "Because the bible" doesn't really compare with "because extensive scientific research".

My guidance? It's not about installing a dictator, but when sufficient evidence points to something being overwhelmingly bad for society, it makes sense (in order to preserve that society) to discourage said something, and/or encourage alternatives.

Not at all as there's no evidence that "alternative lifestyles" (you mean The Gays, right?) are exclusively linked to STDs.

"People will continue drinking sodas, the same as they still get high after years and billions spent on "drug wars"."

"They're spending 40 hours a week working, they deserve to be able to feed their families."

Yes, sodas. People have a long history of making the wrong decision. They smoke too much if at all, they drink and drive, they don't wear seatbelts, they shun nutritious food.

"stopped making one extremist the emblem of the party and its platform"

Obama and Hillary are left-wing now?

I don't know, I think the original WildC.A.T.S mini series was a decent read.

It's still going - and because it takes place in real time, the baby born in issue #33 which came out in 1996, is now an adult with kids of his own.

And he's still going, with issue #225 of Savage Dragon on its way - each issue written, pencilled and inked by Larsen (and a few lettered and coloured by him too). No ads, a letters page, and bonus strips at the back.

It's based on the comics, which were also dark and gritty (with a middle patch where they went into space and mixed with Triceratops-style aliens) - the cartoon was the deviation.

Probably Louie, where she plays a lady called Pamela.

Oh, the cat's dead but who cares.

What's baffling? That they see films they're excited for? That they're excited at all, despite the overwhelming majority of superhero films having been well received?

And it's a pro-trade union film.

Their main man now writes songs for Adele, including mega-hit "Someone like you".

I always confuse the Residents, the Refreshments and the Replacements.

"options for the future"

Black dog is alright, and Stairway. Can leave the rest.