That is a fantastic, one sentence short story hahaha
That is a fantastic, one sentence short story hahaha
Great review Sean and fantastic pictures. I just got my brother to get his endorsement and he wanted a harley at first but we came away from the dealership with a similar opinion. There’s something distinctly apealing about Harleys that the other cruisers are missing. It still seems crazy that for the price you pay…
exactly, its great, relatively simple solution to get VVT where its otherwise been prohibited.
well, you’re not wrong
This might come as a shock but brace yourself...a lot of us like cars AND bikes. Crazy thought I know, take your time digesting it.
So the main difference is just the venue size. Do some riders run in multiple series? Like both Super and Arena? or is Arena like the little leagues?
While I was in Baja SAE, we had one of the old chassis and an old CBR600 (I think) motor we were trying to shoehorn in it as a side project. Sadly, we never got to finish it, but it would have been a hoot
This might be a stupid question, but what’s the difference and/or relationship between Motocross, Supercross, and Arenacross, and whatever variations are out there?
I think the viper engine and transmission is larger and/or longer than the OG Mini.....Whatever, we can make it work
I like the way you think
This is probably the most likely candidate. The probably found a quality issue and they’re working on the solution. Most manufacturers are tight lipped about these issues until they figure out the fix
I’m glad to see this is moving forward. I think the biggest challenge to driverless cars are legal or insurance/liability hurdles rather than technical ones. I think the next 5 years will be very interesting
Great review, I really want to throw a leg over one to see how close I can get to flat footing it. I just spent two days and 720 miles on a Triumph Explorer and I was amazed by how comfortable and fun it was. My only gripe was with my short legs I could only tippy toe it so it was a bitch to duck walk a bike that tall…
That was crazy, I’m still amazed that the mechanics managed to fix the car in time to continue the rally
Can confirm, saw a Singer at Cars & Coffee. It was drop dead gorgeous. The smell. Oh the smell was glorious. It smelled of rich mahogany and leather-bound books
I’m super jelly, that sounds like soo much fun. Thankfully I’m going to be riding from Vegas to the Grand Canyon this weekend with a buddy on a pair of Triumph Tiger Explorer 1200’s!