

This moment haunts me to this day.

Kidman does this all the time. For all her talents, I can think of no Oscar winning actor worse at accents than she is. And for as bad as it is here, it’s not nearly as glaring as when her Australian accent suddenly appeared in the antebellum south of The Beguiled.

Just gonna ride linking to your relentless, breathless coverage of the babe dot net story forever, aren’t ya?

It’s not a defense against being found guilty, but it can be used to mitigate punishment.

He was not. It was a 5-4 decision, with Kennedy writing for the majority and Roberts, Alito, Scalia, and Thomas dissenting.

Yeah, I’m with you on pretty much all of this.

I wasn’t upset with any of the plot or character developments—Dany going mad was inevitable—and the episode was visually and technically stunning. The problem is that Game of Thrones has felt incredibly, needlessly rushed for the past two seasons.

Maybe it will work to have Zellweger sing, but I have a feeling this film would have been better served by a going the way of La vie en rose and using Garland’s original recordings.

My impression was that it’d be bad for business to have a guy standing next to her constantly, but he’s nearby in case an aggressive asshole comes along.

1. I actually really like this show. The actresses sell the hell out of it, and it seems to be getting progressively darker, which makes me wonder how subversive they’re going to get re: network standards.

My motto in life is “One up from the cheapest.” I want that to be my headstone. It’s a great way to choose a bottle of wine.

......................Oh! This is where we get mad, right? AARGH!

I do sort of get that it’s Too Long, but I think they’re focusing on the wrong things. The things that make it feel too long aren’t the speeches from the industry professionals in less glamorous categories. They’re often short and sincere, which is frankly nice to watch.

Alphabetically by writer’s last name, then titles by the same writer chronologically by publication date. Boring, perhaps, but organized!

Nicholas Hoult (was he even in a movie this year???)

I’m having trouble understanding the connection. Is it just the title that’s the issue here?

I appreciate the attention given to her line read of “Oh no, he died!”, as it had me rolling with laughter for several minutes.

o does she want an oscar??

He keeps saying that he’s done talking about it but then he keeps talking about it. Oh my god, has there been a more annoying news cycle?