
While some on Twitter/X speculated that Taylor-Joy could be hinting that director George Miller was creepy or inappropriate in some way, she was very effusive toward him in the interview.

You know, good for him. 

She’s not a bitch for this.

Huh? People from all generations can think weddings themed around entertainment franchises are stupid.

Who would have thought someone who specifies they use “he/she/they” pronouns would be a high maintenance pain in the ass?

Some of these dynamics aren’t that shocking—it was clear pretty much by season 2 or 3 that the “best friends” thing was a schtick. They’re coworkers. And that’s fine! Sometimes coworkers get petty. Not particularly shocked that JVN is all drama and not as sunny off screen, but it’s disappointing to hear how bad it

Eh... Pizzolatto is a blowhard and a one-trick pony, but the writing in S1 is significantly better than S2 and 3, mostly because he had a significantly longer time to work on it and iron out all the kinks. The pacing and structure work much better than in later seasons and that’s all in the script.

The season didn’t suck because of female empowerment or whatever, it sucked because the pacing was terrible, the supernatural elements were ham-fisted, the interpersonal drama varied wildly in quality, the ties to season one were goofy and unnecessary, and the whole interaction between the research station and the

Sorry, season 4 was a poorly written and highly flawed slog. No misogyny needed. 

Look into reactions to Season 2.

There was *plenty* to criticize about Season 4 that had nothing to do with gender or race.

Ugh, this crap again...

I’m really, really going to miss this show. Hard to believe I was in college when it came out and I just turned 36 last week. Time is a cruel mistress. 

Since Robbie was producing, I’d wager she had some say.

It’s all ridiculous, but I think there’s some genuine insight here into how the wealthy view the world.

I definitely don’t think that the ‘women don’t judge men’s bodies’ thing is true in any way. 

“Nobody ever says a thing about men’s bodies. If you’re muscular, cool. If you’re not, cool. If you’re rail thin, cool. If you have a dad bod, cool. If you’re pudgy, love it! Everybody’s happy with it. You know why? Because girls are nice. They don’t give a fuck because we see people for who they are!”

I’m convinced that the editors of the AV Club sincerely have zero taste based on AAF’s cover of Smooth Criminal being on this list.

“ ‘Tell me about why should I do your movie.’” This apparently did not go over well in the room. “They were like, ‘Fuck you,’ And I was like, ‘Right on.’”

I know I harp on this a lot, but the more lingering praise I see lavished on dreck like Scream 6, the more baffled I get. I’ve never seen a horror series do so incredibly little to step outside of its own box five sequels in. Michael Myers was dealing with a cult, and we had a mask movie. We had a non-Jason Jason,