
Agreed, actually. The car accident is horrifying but not a particularly universal moment. A really nasty, sloppy fight at a dinner table is significantly more relatable and awful.

The car accident in Hereditary is legitimately one of the most upsetting and stressful scenes I’ve ever watched.

“I LIVE IN THIS PARK!” still gets a chuckle out of me every time I think about it. It just caught me off guard.

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The actual trailer was a bit of a letdown, but the initial teaser for Widows was spectacular, and probably should be on here:

I feel like either he’s too young for his role or she’s too old for hers?

“the look on your face yanks my neck on the chain / and I would do anything to see you again” from “Star Witness” by Neko Case.

Once upon a time, I rolled my eyes at the idea of remaking A Star is Born once again and remaking Suspiria ever.

“I don’t recall asking you a god damn thing,” is definitely a thing I felt like yelling in Lindsey Graham’s direction.

She did hold some distinctions, though! Until 2014, she was both the youngest winner and the winner who took the shortest amount of time to complete her run.

The very first person to complete an EGOT run was Richard Rodgers.

Roísín Murphy!!! So happy to see her name in these parts. She’s criminally underrated.

Well... all of this aside, there’s being an asshole, and then there’s repeatedly telling other users to kill themselves, and maybe we could just start there when it comes to “things that get banned”?

THIS. The comment sections on Sharp Objects episodes, in particular, have basically become unreadable.

Can’t wait to see what the SEC does with this one.

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Maybe an odd choice, but she recorded a cover of Dark End of the Street that just destroys me.

As an avid Christie fan, I generally agree. I really liked this one, though.

Elba starting this at 46 or 47 (which is around when production on Bond 26 would begin) seems like a bit of a stretch.

I can just picture Helen Mirren in an evening gown saying, “And the Academy Award for Best Meh Picture to Gross $200 Million or More goes toooooo...”

There seems to be a trend in the collective response to any given TV show that every character—or at least a critical mass of characters—need to be “relatable,” in the sense that they are either likable, or come from circumstances similar to an average viewer, or respond to situations like the average viewer might.

I did miss that they were by different writers, though they’re all categorized under the same heading. It just seems strange to go into reviewing a show with one meta-article if the ensuing, more detailed criticism from the same publication is going to diverge from it.