
So is there going to be a precipitous drop in quality in the ensuing episodes? The series grade on AV Club was B+, but we’ve had 5 straight A-rated episodes. What’s the deal?

Tatum O’Neal in particular. Paper Moon is incredibly underrated.

A short story and then a play. The Phelps adaptation skews much closer to the original story (while expanding it, but that can only go so far), while the famous 50's movie is a pretty direct adaptation of the play.

Phelps does very well. I have a working theory that all of Christie’s plot machinations and denouements take, at minimum, an hour and a half to work through, so three hours is a pretty perfect amount of time to get in some good character and atmosphere building.

BBC has started doing this with Agatha Christie novels. They adapted And Then There Were None a few years ago and it went over well enough that they’ve been making little three episode miniseries out of her other works every year since.

You seem needlessly pugnacious about this whole thing?

Eh, I doubt it’s that. Adams seems like an actress who really takes on the darkness surrounding her characters. In the press tour for American Hustle, she talked about how hard it was for her to spend so much time with a character as dark as the one she played in that film.

It feels rarer and rarer to come across something on the internet that’s truly sweet and joyful and loving, which makes this story feel all the more special. I’m grateful she chose to share it.

Johansson was a producer on this film.

Not really, no.

I’m of two minds on this.

This is correct.

I don’t even mind a recycled joke if it’s... ya know... funny.

Sounds vaguely like the proverbial Canadian girlfriend who can’t come to prom.

I want to die.

This has to be annoying as hell if you’re an actor who takes notes.

How did Tilda Swinton get involved here?

Seriously. Why did this article even go there?

It also sounds like it might be spliced together from different bits of dialogue from throughout the film.

Peace and happiness might break out if we took obvious jokes to be obvious jokes.