
Barbie porn is a right of passage.

New bumper sticker for all the southern legislatures:

My Barbies just had a lot of sex.

Exactly. They’re both career driven to a point of forgetting about their personal life, which makes them a great match because their careers go together. The fact that he doesn’t squash that but instead encourages it actually speaks in his favor. Her fiancee basically wants her to stay home and make babies (which, no,

Oh man, I love that movie. I watch it a few times a year. I know he’s scummy but it doesn’t matter because they are in love and will live happily ever after and also Cary Grant is so fucking hot it wouldn’t even matter if he’s a serial killer (ETA: and, as someone else in the comments pointed out — she bails on her

she is more hawkish than sanders because as a female politician undoubtedly aiming to be POTUS (yes even just as a senator), she has had to overcompensate for the stereotypical weaknesses of women. if she had just started out in today’s climate, she might not need to be so hawkish, but that’s only true because anyone

I don’t think it’s that... this is just anecdotal but all of the vocal Sanders supporters I know aren’t just hipster white 20-somethings. They’re hipster white 20-something men. They don’t have to worry about the costs of contraception. They’re not affected by sexism. They don’t have to worry about losing access to

Please do not insult GI Joe action figures.

I seriously cannot be bothered to be any more eloquent for these motherfuckers than, “Suck a dick, Joe.” And Brit, that goes double for you.

Yep. The majority of the retractions aren’t “I was raped, jk just said that for fun!”... they might be more like, “I was raped, now I’m ostracized in this small town, my parents think I’m sullied and dirty, and I’m getting harassed by people who think it’s impossible that the rapist could do such a thing.”

came here to say just that... if someone is scared... and wants to stop... and the other person doesn’t stop... that’s rape. It’s even RAPE rape.


To use the analogy above, some trees are more immediately threatened than other. The rainforests grow in a particular part of the world and are being cut down at an alarming rate which will have an enormous impact on the global environment. Specifying that rainforests matter does not “de-prioritize” all other trees.

Stand up right now if you wanted to be treated the way black people are in this country.

You know how an emergency room tends to treat the more serious cases first? Yes, you broke your arm, but this guy just got shot in the head and chest.

You don’t need to say anything, though. I’m a man, too. When people say something about men in terms of women’s rights and feminism I realize they are discussing a history (and present) of oppression that is very much real, even if I specifically have not done whatever it is they are talking about. It is no skin off

I will star a Lieutenant Olivia Benson GIF any day, any time, anywhere.

I kinda got into it with a dude on Twitter yesterday, because “why are we not considering the damage we’re causing Dr. Luke if she is lying?” because “women can ruin men anytime by crying rape” and “if he did rape her, why didn’t she call the cops right away?”

It’s interesting how upset men get when women dare to show support to one another publicly.