
“Sometimes good people require a push.”

And if you think HRC “can’t handle” Bernie, you are sorely mistaken.

I’d imagine so, since she appears to have handled it just fine and is marching towards a nomination.

I generally like Biden, but I am aware of his missteps with women’s issues. It also annoys me to no end that people who hate Hillary for voting for the Iraq War and supporting the 1994 crime bill would probably love to vote for a man who also voted for the war and WROTE the crime bill.

I have been watching, since 2008, which was my first time voting as an 18yo. Obviously the Democratic party leadership preferred her to Sanders (I don’t blame them, since he spent the entire campaign convincing his supporters they are corrupt), but the leadership didn’t crown her. In fact, the media dragged this

I don’t even buy the “he pushed her left!” caterwauling because it follows the myth that Hillary was some moderate Republican before March 2016. Give me a fucking break on that. Has she grown more progressive in the past decade? Yes, along with most other Democrats in response to both the radicalization of the far

I’m not sure there are enough eye rolls in the world for these types of comments. Every time y’all talk about “Clinton is a conservative!” all I hear is “Obama’s a secret Muslim!” because it’s the same level of discourse. Jeez man, I wish every conservative was as liberal as Sec. Clinton.

“Plus, it would be super duper hypocritical of Clinton to say anything about Sanders staying in as long as he has given what happened in 2008"

Hillary’s 2008 concession is looking classier by the day.

As a longtime Bernie supporter, I am happy that we are finally ending our campaign with grace and allowing Hillary to focus on beating Donald Trump. Now that Hillary beat us fair and square, I have had some time to review her policy positions. It surprised me to find out that she is exactly the same as Bernie in terms

YES. Also I love how many people here choose to conveniently ignore that A MASSIVE MAJORITY of ISIS victims are Muslim. This is a war of ideology, not religion. It’s not ISIS vs non-Mulism people it’s ISIS vs EVERYONE WHO IS NOT ISIS.

This. Religious concepts like virgin birth or burning bushes come from the human imagination. The same is true for beliefs that discriminate against women or LGBTQIA people. This bigotry comes from the dark heart of humanity, and saying that religion somehow creates it from thin air is giving religion more power than

These people do not want to study Islam, they just want to hate brown people. There is someone in the comments saying that “hundreds of millions” of Muslims are sympathetic to terrorists and groups like ISIS, which is a flat-out lie. Or that the Quran says homosexuals should be executed/murdered - also a lie. The

It’sespecially scary when you consider the same ideology regarding sexual orientation is shared by many of our legislators, just under a different faith justification.

I feel like those are classified as genocide. I think an army unit carrying out orders from a government that was doing some fucked up things at the time is different than a man who acted on his own hatred.

he has been watching “Galaxy Quest” way too many times: “ never give up, never surrender.

Trump don’t want none of Michelle.

So have your friends actually ever compared their standpoints on major issues because they’re nooooot very different.

Bernie. Bubbala. Come on, dude. I love you. I love you so much. But stop. Please. It’s getting embarrassing.

Good. Maybe now all my friends who can’t stop talking about how much better Obama is than Hillary and how she’s the devil incarnate but he is sent from God above will actually shut the hell up.

I said the same over on Gawker...