
She conceded June 7, 2008. Think before you type, or at least google.

And that is why I’m watching the movie opening weekend. If this movie bombs, the studios are going to blame it on the fact that it had four leading ladies and they might not greenlight another female driven movie.

When arguing with Trumpkins, I always throw in that he was bailed at twice by a Saudi Prince. This usually stumps them.

No just men. A female friend told me she couldn’t vote for Hillary because she doesn’t trust a woman in the White House in case she’s cranky and decides to nuke a country. This was Saturday.

On behalf of my shitty fucking state, I’m sorry.

<making sure no one is looking> I bought two of their CDs. Its collecting dust along with my rhinestone belts and tube tops in a box labeled 90s SHAME.

One more thing, I had to switch OBGYNs because the asshole (female) I went, wouldn’t give me Mirena because I wasn’t married and didn’t have kids. Um, I don’t want them. Ugh. I went to one that was like sure, whatever you want you’re a grown ass woman able to make personal decisions.

There were only one or two pill brands I could use. I switched to Mirenea because stupid insurance was pissed at Obamacare and refuse to include my pills in my plan. I LOVE Mirena. I’m on year 3 and I do’t get my period and rarely spot. The first few months was awful for me though - cramps, spotting all the time,