
Why am I even alive today as someone who has chosen not to have kids?

Right, NAFTA, which was passed by the house and senate and signed into law by her husband? She wasn’t a senator then and she also was’t president, so I’m not sure it’s really fair to hold her accountable for NAFTA or any of her husband’s other policy, especially given that she’s always been the more liberal of the two

And as recently as 2006, Bernie did not support gay marriage, saying that was up to the states. People grow. People change.

I do not understand the venom that has come out about Hillary. She is no more corporate whore than our beloved Obama but people are just furious about her. I get that people like Bernie, and I do too, but this viciousness is slightly unhinged.

That person is clearly talking out of their ass and knows nothing about Clinton’s actual policies. Hillary has been addressing mental health issues on the campaign trail and pledging to support mental health reform. http://themighty.com/2016/01/hillar…

Is it rape or is it not?

It is rape.

I also can’t ignore that she still looks back on it as a positive experience and does not define herself as a victim. We don’t get to change the narrative for her. She experienced it, not us.

I came here to say pretty much the same thing. Making victims out of people who do not consider themselves to be a victim at all is problematic.

It is a dress, so it is clearly asking for rape. You need to try tight jeans... wait, then that judge in Italy says you are unrapeable and if someone succeeds, you consented automatically.

No dignity, no heart, no humanity, no love, no anything. He and his cops are all fucking evil morons and killers.

*watches Formation at The Superbowl on YouTube*

Trini here. You wear outrageous costumes, dance, sing, lime (trini slang for chillaxing with friends, basically) and drink. Sounds like she was doing exactly what everyone else was doing. This man is shit.

The mayor added, “Look it’s sad, of course! Any living thing dying is sad. I had a dog once that I was very fond of. His name was “chastity mcsparkles”. But I warned everyone not to get raped and murdered! Do you remember how I warned you? I said don’t do it. Don’t go and get raped and murdered. And even with that,

This gif is everything.

whether “somebody has done something negligent or intentional”

Yes, in general. However, there was some good news for the long-term this past week: bernie doing well in the New Hampshire primary, terrible white supremacist Cliven Bundy going to jail, and probably in prison for the rest of his life, and his horrible racist spawn and their buddies also in jail and going away for a

It’s not a violation of his sexual agency. She lied to him. People lie to each other about shit all the time.