
I mean...the frame rates for every Smash game have been 60fps. They haven’t changed across the series.

The amount of time I’ve spent on Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, and Yoshi’s Wooly World alone have far more than justified the price of the console. (Plus, it’s a huge bonus that my 5- and 7-year old kids play these right along with me.)

To be fair, that’s the 8gb white model so.....??

Because that rumor said it was ending last Friday which it didn’t... Is this a serious question

For those people on the fence regarding this console, and are now facing the final opportunity to purchase one: I love my Wii U dearly and I genuinely believe that anyone else who loves Japanese games will also. This isn’t a professional marketing shill but... there’s quality software here.

I actually have and it was still dope af.

Those game playing alligators are just the worst.

I bet those fucking pieces of shit aren’t even tolerant like us superior people.

The people complaining about it are a tiny vocal minority to those who see its value for what it is. I dont know if most people are aware of, or understand how to, download and emulate these games on a PC. Seems like a wicked xmas gift for just about anyone. I know if I got it, I would not react with an extremely

I think those complaints demonstrate that it’s not really for “you”, but for the more casual audience that remembers playing Nintendo games in their childhood, is like, whoa holy shit, remember Punch Out!! The people this is really targeting most likely don’t even have existing USB controllers.

But it’s $60 and drop-dead easy to use. It could be more, sure, but for what it is at this price it’s perfect.

It is a CRT, you know how NES is supposed to be played

the latter, even if the tv is 12 years old would that qualify as ancient?

I think I will stick with the original for the foreseeable future

Right, because that excuse has flown so well. Creators can’t create things “just because” without getting thrown into the social justice chipper shredder. It would offend someone, someone hack would beat their angry finger nubs to bloody stumps pounding out an outrage article and it would summarily be shat out on

Agreed. Why do these shit articles even exist? Oh, to generate page views. And nothing generates page views like manufactured outrage. Kotaku couldn’t even let the brouhaha stay on rockpapershotgun. They just had to get their clicks.

“Being killed in a game where a primary function of the gameplay is to kill or be killed =/= valid comparison. Nor is teabagging a common real-life abuse when compared to uninvited groping”

Jesus Christ... I want everyone to take a step back... put your social warrior hat on the ground and realize how stupid this is... “someone inappropriately touched my virtual avatar and I don’t want that to happen. I mean, when you realize how absurd that statement is... and that programmers actually modded the game

Thank god ive been triggered so many time after a dude teabags my dead body in Halo.