
Most NES games have not aged very well. The Nintendo Entertainment System relied too much on antiquated principles from coin-operated arcades—timers, limited lives, inflated difficulty—that just don’t make for good video games in 2016.

More like they told the internet to go fuck itself. Which I cannot disagree with. ;)

Good point, I didn’t even know that one was still in production actually.

Let’s waste tonnes of bandwidth by cramming a video clip into a file format that was made for 16x16px icons in the 90's! GIF is what people know, so GIF is what we’ll stick with. Who cares that it looks like shit, runs like shit, and takes up about a million times the filesize of webm while doing it? Screw progress!

No man, let’s waste tonnes of bandwidth by cramming a video clip into a file format that was made for 16x16px icons in the 90's! GIF is what people know, so GIF is what we’ll stick with. Who cares that it looks like shit, runs like shit, and takes up about a million times the filesize of webm while doing it? Screw

LOL and just a while ago, people were sticking to GIF (which is a retarded format that should have died 10 years ago) on the pretense that people on their phones couldn’t view webm...

No man, let’s waste tonnes of bandwidth by cramming a video clip into a file format that was made for 16x16px icons in the 90's! GIF is what people know, so GIF is what we’ll stick with. Who cares that it looks like shit, runs like shit, and takes up about a million times the filesize of webm while doing it? Screw

Edit: oh god I’m an idiot, I thought he was calling them GIF but actually using Webm, like people tend to do recently... but it’s actually still GIF! Jesus H Christ, that format should have died ten years ago! It was made for 16x16px icons in the 90's for god’s sake, it’s now 2016 and people are trying to cram

Edit: oh god I’m an idiot, I thought he was calling them GIF but actually using Webm, like people tend to do recently... but it’s actually still GIF! Jesus H Christ, that format should have died ten years ago! It was made for 16x16px icons in the 90's for god’s sake, it’s now 2016 and people are trying to cram

What in that video gave you the impression the game was close to fruition? What you’re seeing is a character model being moved across a heightmap with some other models strewn about. It’s just a visual pitch, hardly more substantial than a powerpoint presentation. They literally hadn’t even started development.

Hahaha I’ve read it, trust me, and it paints a very clear picture of you fumbling words, going “but but I don’t like it so the facts don’t matter!”.

Haha, “NO U!!” Well, that’s about the level I’m expecting of you by now...

Again, I feel very sorry for you. :) My comment about you being a pretentious twat still stands.

Saying random things and then put your hands over your ears going LALALA when they’re immediately disproven is not an argument, sorry to have to tell you this...

Still no actual argument? I’ll take that as a concession. :)

Your comment about the c-buttons is subjective, they work fine for all practical purposes. Same with your argument about the shoulder buttons and z-trigger, modern analogue triggers give me major finger pain (I’m guessing because of the travel), and the analogue aspect is useless in a shooter. Nothing I’ve heard (from

Are you a native English speaker? Your grammar seemingly gets worse as time goes on.

So from your argument about WASD being superior because it uses multiple digits, we can only assume that you’re talking about directional response time. If we’re going to take that route, then in turn, digital thumb controls have better directional response time than analogue thumb controls still (WASD > thumb buttons

Ugh... ok, let me spell this out for you. You say one stick vs two makes a difference for FPS. I say it doesn’t, and here’s why. That’s not what a strawman argument is. That would be if you never mentioned the single stick at all. Get it?

I think you need to learn what “strawman argument” actually means, LOL.