
I’m saying that I’m obviously not talking about you, because what you described isn’t “playing while driving”, unless you’re still paying visual attention to the game somehow while you’re behind the wheel.

You’re just saying things for the sake of it now, including your nonsense straw grasping as to why WASD is fine while the c-buttons aren’t.

What kind of an idiotic comment is that? You know who else isn’t the “only person” who plays the way they play? The fuck who ran over a child. In fact he’s far from the only person who plays the way he did.

The only thing “silly and stupid” are the fucking degenerates who play it while driving.

Why did I know you were gonna be stupid enough to assume that? No, I’m talking about the one that made it just like Turok, i.e. analogue stick for aiming, c-buttons for walking. This makes it identical to modern shooters, except walking isn’t analogue, which nobody has any need for anyway (you disagree? Go talk to

I feel sorry for you, who has never known the joy of 4-player Mario Party. Even in the unlikely case you did have friends over, I bet you just sat there turning your nose up like some pretentious twat. :)

Yeah but no. I was playing stuff like Quake 2 on PC around the same time I played Goldeneye, and the mission objectives, gadgets, weapon variety, story elements and location-based hit mechanics made Goldeneye a lot more interesting in many ways (even though Q2 was still fun on its own merits).

You never bothered to look in the option menu for the second control option that made it basically identical to modern FPS, did you?

You make no sense at all. There is literally no difference between FPS controls on the single-stick N64 controller and modern dual analogue. Except the walking controls are digital (c-buttons). And you only need digital for walking. Professional esports on PC prove this fact.

Lemme guess: you never bothered to look at the option menu past the default control scheme?

Are you trolling or are you really THAT fucking retarded?

Hahaha you people are so sad. :D How’s it been, spending two decades crying to your mommy that you want that mean old Nintendo to be Doomed and not have it happen?

Any half serious retro gamer has one or multiple CRT TV’s. There simply is no substitute.

Games like overwatch perhaps. ;)

Pixel Perfect mode best replicates what the original game designers saw when programming those games way back when.

Because fuck that gross third party shit, that’s why. :) Seriously ew. Get that overpriced piece of crap out of here.

True. From that, we might in fact conclude that fancy cat toys are just pretentious nonsense altogether, created only for the cat owner to feel good about buying, but otherwise utterly pointless.

Maybe we should conclude that it is simply human behavior, and that people like “m9105826" are simply judgmental cunts, who need to feel better about themselves by calling others “creepy nerds”.

FUCK your manufactured controversies. You shitstains complain about harassment, then turn around and incite it yourself.

Meh, there’s terrible things in this world that make me sad, scared and outraged. Someone asking an inappropriate question at a panel doesn’t rank up there, no matter how inappropriate it is. :p