
It’s good looking, though honestly there’s something about the original that just seems nicer still. It’s probably just the lighting.

the below is how it appears in the HD remake of the game.

Oh wait, did you mean like they bought the device but then didn’t actually hook it up? I guess I can totally see that happening.

It definitely is devil’s advocating, seemingly in an attempt to fend off criticism after the hilarious tantrum she threw over that butt fighting anime.

That is absolutely and unfortunately true. :) But this does look like a branded device created by someone who hopefully does know what they’re doing.

This is actually very hard to take seriously about your recent little tantrum about that butt fighting anime. :)

So-called nerd culture has, over the last few years, been forced to take a moral inventory.

Ideally it’s going to be MrTexas himself over there, of course. HE can be trusted to decide such things, unlike all the Other People.

I’m pretty sure the vacuum this creates makes it impossible for the smoke to get all the way down to the bottom, turbulence or not. That’s why the chamber is so small. The narrower it is, the less force you need to basically turn the thing into a vacuum cleaner. Dust doesn’t spill out the end of one of those, for

Well, instead of typing out a whole paragraph, I’ll recommend reading up on airflow and how it works.

Btw, you said “another side-scroller”, you do realize this game is as far removed from a real Mario side-scroller game as can be, right?

I don’t think you’ve understood this at all. The game isn’t the way it is because of Nintendo, but because of the phone platform and market. Almost all successful phone games are like this, because there’s no other consistently reliable way for anything else to make any money.

Maybe you need a smoke!

It doesn’t need to be particularly strong. Especially in a small enclosed space like that, a little airflow goes a long way. That’s likely why the gap is there, to create a sort of wind tunnel that sucks air in from the bottom.

Most smokers you know, maybe...

I was describing you. With your “I don’t wish them misfortune, but...”. Figures that didn’t get through to you, though. :)

More like you easy there, mr. “I’m not a racist, but...” ;)

lol china

I don’t know why a lot of people in this comment section think someone would build something like this and then forget to put in a ventilator to suck the air outside?