
Ventilators, they actually work.

If you read the article this has a ventilator/filter of sorts. Though the fact that there must be something like that should be obvious to anyone just from looking at the setup, surely?

Please tell me that comment was a joke. I just don’t know anymore with the internets nowadays.

Why? You understand the phone app market and the phone as a platform, right?

Their mind wasn’t changed. It’s not a real Mario game. :) People are talking about “Nintendo games on mobile” but really it’s just “Nintendo craps out some apps with a bare minimum of gameplay just to shut up the driveling investor horde”. It’s exactly what it should be.

It’s not a real Mario game. :) People are talking about “Nintendo games on mobile” but really it’s just “Nintendo craps out some apps with a bare minimum of gameplay just to shut up the driveling investor horde”, and to shut up little shitstains like you, who “don’t wish them any misfortune but look forward to the

It’s not a real Mario game. :) People are talking about “Nintendo games on mobile” but really it’s just “Nintendo craps out some apps with a bare minimum of gameplay just to shut up the driveling investor horde”. It’s exactly what it should be.

It’s not a real Mario game. :) People are talking about “Nintendo games on mobile” but really it’s just “Nintendo craps out some apps with a bare minimum of gameplay just to shut up the driveling investor horde”. It’s exactly what it should be.

It’s not a real Mario game. :) People are talking about “Nintendo games on mobile” but really it’s just “Nintendo craps out some apps with a bare minimum of gameplay just to shut up the driveling investor horde”. It’s exactly what it should be.

There’s so much wrong with your comment I don’t even know where to start.

It’s not a real Mario game. :) People are talking about “Nintendo games on mobile” but really it’s just “Nintendo craps out some apps with a bare minimum of gameplay just to shut up the driveling investor horde”. It’s exactly what it should be.

No thanks, already own it on Gamecube (the best version). Prefer not to play PC ports of games if I can help it, anyway.

Oh my god just fuck these people. They don’t care about children. They don’t give a fuck. They just care about being right.


The “playable” setting you’re talking about was actually default for all the Turok games. In fact there were only a couple of games where this wasn’t the case (GE and PD come to mind), and those had options to change it.

You say “most shooters had a setting for that”, but the fact was that most shooters actually had this setting as default, and for some, like Turok, it was actually the only possible setting.

LOL what are you talking about?

When you see a truly awful commercial product, do you ever try to picture the businessmen who made it happen? Who was the suit, on the 11th floor of some glassy, gilded skyscraper, who bypassed several security officers, took an elevator to a sterile meeting room, sat down with his well-groomed colleagues and

It’s code for the generic “other side” in this “them vs us” thing some of these people have going on internally. :)