
Look into your heart, you know it to be true.

No, mudbud. You are the wolves.

Blah blah blah, look at how clever I am! :) I know all about what REAL girrrrls look like AND I can expertly circumvent any criticism of my own ignorance by pretending to be mentally challenged!

Unparalleled except by you and a couple of other comedians like you who always pop up in threads like this to assert your superiority when it comes to taste and knowledge in art depicting females (while actually possessing neither).

I like how you put “sexy” in quote marks because this artist obviously doesn’t know what they’re doing and you are the absolute authority on human anatomy.

I absolutely can’t stand mechanical keyboards and I don’t understand how anyone can. So noisy!

I absolutely can’t stand mechanical keyboards and I don’t understand how anyone can. So noisy!

100+ million people didn’t care the Wii wasn’t HD, and it had some of the best games of its time... thanks for making my point. :D

Bwahahaha keep telling yourself that, I know you have to because that’s the only way you’ll feel any self-worth. ;) Nobody else has a big PC like you do, buddy!

That doesn’t seem right, since the comment I replied to is ignorant, yet doesn’t sound full of bliss... ;)

Don’t perpetuate that incredibly idiotic and ignorant myth. The difference between 60 and 30 fps is immediately clear to any human being in a side-by-side comparison. This is a fact. Don’t try to argue otherwise.

Who gives a shit about the PC port? It’s based on the utterly terrible PS2 version anyway. Just play the original Gamecube version, which is superior to the PS2 port in almost every way imaginable (like most multiplatform games of the time), there are plenty of options to do so: Gamecube console (best choice), Wii, or

Funny how you bring up movies, almost everyone hated the higher framerate of the hobbit movies because they looked less cinematic, despite clowns like Lozzle up there trying to tell people higher framerate is “objectively superior”. What he’s saying is a fucking joke, and so is everyone else who tries to use the word

You sound bitter that many people are enjoying games just fine despite not featuring the exact framerate you want them to. You and those like you are almost religious about this shit. It’s very silly.

Please, let it truly be dead. VR gets a pass. For now.

Life is too short to not play all games on a 60+ inch tv.

Then later when you get older yet, you realize all that stuff you needed to “do with your life” was really only to prepare for the time you could finally afford to sit down again and play a good, long JRPG (or equivalent useless-time-consuming-yet-relaxing activity).

You say you eat meat? Pigs have been known to adopt puppies. Cows have adopted baby deer. Many animals are much more mentally advanced than we give them credit for. It’s extremely difficult to draw a hard line as to which species are “worthy” of not eating.

No, 60fps. The silly myth that CRT games ran at 30fps just because that’s how TV broadcast worked, needs to die.

Sonic didn’t run at 29.97fps either. It ran at 60, or 59.94 if that’s the right number for that. All 2D NES, SNES, Genesis etc games did, with very very few exceptions. Anyone telling you otherwise is full of shit, and uninformed articles like the above only perpetuate such nonsense.

Sure, but they still get tough and they’re Nintendo’s most iconic mainline games, which goes directly against what that clown up there is trying to say.