
I know you’re probably joking, but this looks to be more of a japanese thing where Peach is too embarrassed to tell anyone she likes Mario, hence the ellipses.

The New SMB games aren’t exactly a breeze either, and the Luigi one they put out most recently is almost impossible at times. Then there’s the Donkey Kong series which had some reviewers pull their hair out.

Blah blah blah I’m just here ignoring all the difficult games Nintendo keeps putting out and instead using this review of a fucking Paper Mario game to complain about how easy all Nintendo games are! Aren’t I fucking clever! Nobody will figure out my scheme!

Nah. What you’re seeing is types like Patricia on Kotaku digging the depths of the internet for stuff like this and bringing it to the forefront, for clicks and personal satisfaction. That’s what’s been happening the last few years. :)

It’s only vaguely interactive and flows toward a narrative ending without much, if any, chance of failure.

2008 was over 8 years ago

REmake is my fav, too! I’m less optimistic about RE2make, though.

Hah! Tough question, because I think it was a slow killing. I loved RE4 to bits, but it had elements that started them down the path. When RE6 came around, it was over.

Oh come on. It was half-assed and you know it.

Capcom can fuck right off. They killed RE and now they whore it out to whatever new gimmick they have.

Please tell me she cosplayed as Mei.

The CRT mode on the mini-nes is surprisingly good. In fact I’d say it’s almost goddamn perfect. I did NOT expect that. I thought it was just gonna be bare scanlines.

The CRT mode on the mini-nes is surprisingly good. In fact I’d say it’s almost goddamn perfect. I did NOT expect that. I thought it was just gonna be bare scanlines.


Ahh one of those “is this a troll or is this person really that fucking retarded?” moments.

I think if you put up a poll asking whether people think the NES controller is comfortable, you’ll receive a surprising amount of positive answers.

“Better” is entirely subjective, just like “better” graphics afforded by modern consoles. I for one find them surprisingly comfortable, the rectangular shape lies in the hand just fine, just like the 3DS does. Whereas certain more modern controllers give me hand cramps like you wouldn’t believe (the dreamcast comes to

I already have two Classic Controllers. They are not NES controllers.

Reason obviously being that you can use them with the Wii/WiiU. Which is actually making me want to buy this, just for that.

And the “stupid hateful exaggeration of the day” award goes to...