
I don’t understand why any woman would do that to her lips. It looks diseased.

According to Harmala, reporting issues directly is a better solution than posting evidence online, because it’s likely to prompt a quicker fix.

Wow, this post is a fucking joke. Holy shit. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Why, it’s just an old Super Nintendo game.

Arrogant self-righteous bitching about videogame boobs: as old as videogame boobs themselves!

I think in those cases you mentioned there’s no easily identifiable attack target these people can use to make themselves feel superior. So there’s no point then, is there?

I shall also make a thinly veiled suggestion that you kill yourself since that’s acceptable if I don’t like what you have to say! :)

Welp, sorry Retro, all your developers were just idiots. Spending all that effort trying to get away from gun-aim-focused gameplay, to great critical acclaim? The reviews were wrong, you shouldn’t have bothered. Phimuskapsi here says because it’s first-person, it should have FPS controls anyway. See how simple that

You’re free to your opinion, and I’m free to think your opinion has absolutely no worth at all if you feel that way about MP.

I also greatly disliked Metroid Prime, the controls were abysmal.

The Gamecube had Metroid Prime 1 and 2, those alone earn it a place among the best consoles of all time. Then there’s a shedload of other gems no gamer should be without.

Exactly, compared to the N64, the PSX was like running a PC game without a graphics card. Bilinear filtering, anti-aliasing, perspective correct textures (i.e. the lack of which caused the PSX’s texture warping), high-precision vector calculations (the lack of which caused the PSX’s 3D models to jitter and break), all

I think this is absolutely hilarious.

What the hell is with you americans and your fear of rats? Do you jump at the sight of a guinea pig too?

I’d love to see what’s going on in that GIF but I can’t because you used freakin GIF and not webm. This is not 1995. GIF was designed for 32x32 pixel icons. The format is vastly unsuitable to cram full motion video into. Move on please. GIF is dead.

Ahhh PC gaming...

Hey so Brian, about this guy’s girlfriend getting harassed off the internet - when can we expect a report on that?

Only Xenoblade? Might as well not bother then, if you’re going to ignore the rest of the best exclusives library of any console right now.

Sucks to be you then.

Funny, considering the WiiU has the best exclusives lineup of any console at the moment.