
Yes amateurish. Compared to official Metroid games, definitely.

I just don’t understand why Nintendo can’t grab 2 or 3 guys and have them whip up a classic 2d metroid.

Impressive cosplay. Her facial expression in the first photo though, it’s a bit... goofy.

What do you mean it’s ridiculous? “Hey we don’t want you to distribute this game that you stole our IP and content to make, but we’re totally OK with you working on it anyway”???

Why create something original when you can be a parasite and get a pre-made audience by just using someone else’s franchise?

RE4 should not be played in HD. All these remasters look WAY too clean, too clear. Part of this is due to the lower environment detail, sure. But that detail level was tailored to 480p, and by making it HD they just ruined the look.

No, and fuck you too. :)

What is this site now, 9gag?

Whatever that something might be. If it ever comes along.

Rofl it’s a one-button runner. It’s exactly the kind of game that whiners like you deserve, and the only kind you’l ever get.

That was an early rumor that has been debunked. It’s not Android.

Why the hell are you taking Nintendo to task for this especially (“This is Nintendo” lol), when they’re like the last people to even do this? EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard (Overwatch being a prominent example), and the new Deux Ex game, they all do it.

Hahaha a one-button Mario runner, this is exactly what all you “Nintendo should make games for phones” whingers deserve. Fucking brilliant. :D

Patricia’s/Kotaku’s stance on this is very surprising!

Ahh the old “everything’s drawn like a highschooler’s textbook doodles” style. No, thanks.

I’m sorry but I’d take a little bit of sloppyness over the total and absolute lack of sense of volume or motion that plagues western cartoons today. Almost all of them look like the simpsons now. Or worse, like newgrounds flash cartoons. Flat characters that are drawn with a blatant disregard for 3D shape, googly eyes

That screenshot would look so much better if the pixels weren’t unevenly resized. Jesus Christ, who the hell does that in 2016?

It does look very nice.

Sounds perfect to be honest. Sounds like a game that actually respects the player’s ability to figure things out for themselves.

I think you’re a bit of a judgemental jerk who thinks they’re better than other people and have a bit of growing up to do.