
I think there’s something wrong with you. Like, inside. You might be dead. Maybe get that checked out.

Holy crap, different colored yoshis give different stuff when eating berries? Like what? I never knew that, and I spent loads of time on this game...

Sounds like you have a shitty TV.

I love how you’re trying so hard. :D

I’ll never know why anyone would find “sad adventures” entertaining. Just because it makes you feel something? Getting kicked in the dick makes you feel something.

The last one we played over here - Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes - was better without VR. We just turned the monitor.

Lego’s answer to Kubros? Not sure Mega Blocks are significant enough for Lego to have to answer to. Kubros themselves, however, did seem like an attempt at an answer to Lego’s earlier cube dudes.

“Some people” can fuck right off.

I think you’ve misunderstood what eugenics actually is. ;) Me, I’m just a Darwin Awards fan.

^ hottest take

It’s a whole console too, remember? And if you personally don’t like some of the games? That’s irrelevant, you’re still receiving the value of 30 games. You only want a few? Go buy them separately on the VC or something.

Yeah but not inside the mouth surely?

Nah, no need to tell them to stop. There’s something to be said for not isolating yourself from germs to let your immune system develop, but if someone dies from any diseases they get as a result of doing something like that, then frankly we humans are better off without that person in our gene pool.

underdeveloped immune system.

Holy fucking christ this comment thread is full of fucking retards who don’t get it. Goddammit internet.

Well I’d be right there crying with them if it wasn’t for the fact that there are already many other options open to us when it comes to retro gaming, so we can let this mini-console fill its niche. The people here are probably just ignorant of those options. If they’re not... then they’re just assholes.

That would only complicate it beyond what it’s supposed to be. This is a small thing, very cheap, very simple. People don’t seem to get it at all.

Glad we agree. :)

On the contrary, I think you don’t get the point of the posting of this article. What you think is the point is just flaccid mental masturbation, which I suspect might be a hobby of yours.

He doesn’t have a point. He’s a talentless asshat who only knows how to get clicks. He typed some random words, added “ghostbusters” to the title, and lo and behold, here we all are commenting on an article that said absolutely fuck all. A serious publication would have him fired over this.