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It baffles me that nobody here has seemingly (?) heard of the 1989 animated feature:

I don’t think a tiny minority of very very vocal nutcases is “popular demand”. :p

Outshines the original? I’m sorry but that’s fucking ridiculous. It looks shit. It’s stiff, static, barely animated cheap looking fucking CG, no soul, horrible “sketch shader” applied that somehow makes it even worse, it’s fucking shit is what it is. Saying it outshines the original is an incredible insult not only to

Yahtzee’s a moron.

Here we go ladies and gentlemen, the 2016 equivalent of yelling “commie” at people. Good job, idiot. :D

More childish complaining about fanservice? Isn’t it about time we collectively get over ourselves?

Hey, don’t lump the rest of us Europeans in with the goddamn Brits.

Damn, I wasn’t expecting all you people to get so riled up by a throwaway comment, did I hit a snare or something? :D

Funny, I’ve only got one rule:

Selling an N64? Something quit wrong with you tbh. You don’t need to sell one console to play another, you know.

If you didn’t know, there’s this proverb about glass houses... :D

No, JRPGs themselves have definitely changed for the worse. Ironically, all the stuff developers have changed for the sake of “streamlining”, i.e. removing world maps, removing towns, or if there’s a town, removing all the building interiors in favor of a simple shop screen (this is the shittiest idea rpg devs have

Cheating accusations happen constantly in any game. Only now it’s news cause it’s a girl. Maybe that says something about the rarity of the event... ;)

Male, American, 37... and cowboy? I mean fair game if the commenter actually is a cowboy.

I always hated when people bag on Penny Arcade but I gotta be honest, it’s become increasingly difficult for me to find the humor in its writing.

“This car also costs 40,000 moneys!”

Hahahaha fucking China.

The Chinese don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves. Look up stories about people driving over toddlers in vans (because they don’t give a fuck to look where they’re going), and then backing up to finish the toddler off (because a dead toddler is easier to deal with than having to pay medical bills). And that’s

Wow, that’s the biggest bullshit comment I’ve read in quite a while, congratulations. Who are these media piracy advocates here in the comment section who then turn around and accuse poor China of anything?

Don’t see how it’s impressive at all when they barely had to do any work. I don’t call it impressive when someone runs the mona lisa through a photoshop filter and sells it as their own creation. Stop giving these cancerous degenerates credit for being shitty people.