
No they’re not getting a fair shot, don’t give me that nonsense. They’re becoming privileged, at the cost of other innocent people. Injustice shouldn’t be fought with more injustice just for the sake of “evening the score”. It’s terrible that you and others even think you’re being righteous by supporting it.

Hiring people just for being women or minorities is just as bad as hiring people for being men. It’s like literally trying to fight fire with fire - sounds nice as a catchphrase, not so great in most practical situations. It only causes more of a divide.

I can’t wait for the day when people can have an opinion like this and not be forced to apologize.

Didn’t think I’d live to see the day where the gaming press applauded and fully adopted that which Jack Thompson used to fight against them years ago.

You know what I find fucking hilarious? Everyone was talking about how Nintendo was going to/should make a new console soon because of how much of a failure this one was blah blah etc, yet it turns out the Wii U will have had the longest life span of the three original consoles.

Fake let’s play as a trailer? It truly is 2016.

Can we stop calling everything “trolling”?

As long as they’re not in a wheelchair. And clapping hard enough. ;)

Sounds like you want to beat her up.No wonder women are scared of men killing them.

OH. I get it. Still agree then.

Wait, you mean “my money in your pocket”?

The trash thing I fully agree with you on, and I’ve experienced several similar situations I was very annoyed by. The other poster’s drink example though, he makes himself sound very bad. “I’ve already got a drink” is a perfectly reasonable response to being asked if you want a drink. Yet he yells “WTF” in all caps,

Ummm... sounds to me like she made it pretty clear that she already had something to drink, several times. If you’re making yourself sound like an annoying irrational pushy bastard, even in your own account of events, maybe you should consider you weren’t in the right after all.

I can’t imagine a person on this blue earth who’s a large enough Nintendo fan to buy NFC figures, who wouldn’t want to own both Amiibo and Dimensions Nintendo characters.


Just accept it: you’re playing an online-only multiplayer videogame. If you wanted any hope of ever being able to replay it at a later date without the devs inevitably messing with it until it’s unrecognizable, you should’ve thought of that before you decided to pour so much time into it.

Better not talk about it or you’ll get shit from people for daring to question a localization.

Originals look way better.

I’m looking forward to the inevitable grave injuries.

If it’s really true that Gerstmann didn’t like either Doom64, Red Dead Redemption OR Super Mario World 2, then I’d say fuck your sarcasm, all the ridicule he gets is fully deserved. :)