Also for some weird reason stupid Kinja suddenly refuses to let me reply to anything but the first post in this thread? So consider my previous reply a reply to your second post about the CRT stuff.
Also for some weird reason stupid Kinja suddenly refuses to let me reply to anything but the first post in this thread? So consider my previous reply a reply to your second post about the CRT stuff.
Fully agreed on the CRT thing, and exactly what I’ve always been saying. Unfortunately many people are shallow as hell. They want that 1080p emulator look, and they don’t care if a retro game looks objectively shittier because of it. They just wanna see that number, because it’s been burned into their brain that a…
I mean, the first level opens with players being shot at by enemies locked in a cage.
You seem to be under the impression that Kotaku is a gaming site. it isn’t. It’s a blog to vent the frustrations of no-talent millennial cunts who try to make headlines with the only thing they know will generate enough outrage to get them any clicks.
Are you just looking at the gif? Because gif is awful and outdated (ironic that gawker sites still tend to use it so much) leading to uneven choppyness you don’t see in the trailer.
And as weird as it is to say about a Pokémon character, Sycamore looked,
See THIS is what I always hoped high-resolution 2D games would look like in the year 2016. Real, cartoon-quality, hand-drawn animation.
Are you serious? I hope you’re not suggesting they use that horrifically atrocious auto-tweening bullshit that plagues so much of today’s animation.
You can’t expect the average willfully ignorant “progressive” in 2016 to understand, or even want to attempt to understand, any kind of subtleties like that.
Jason, it sucks that you got death threats (although the one you posted looks so comedically over the top that it looks like someone’s idea of a joke IMO), and I know that makes you feel upset at people. But I don’t think calling up a videogame store to ask about the release date of a videogame qualifies as…
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call legally blind.
Fuck windows 10 and fuck anyone who supports it.
No, it is exactly the kind of “game” that mobile deserves. It’s a big “fuck you” to anyone who ever whined about Nintendo games on mobile. As it should be.
No, it sounds exactly like the kind of “game” that mobile deserves, that’s what it sounds like. It’s a big “fuck you” to anyone who ever whined about Nintendo games on mobile. As it should be.
Yeah I might have gotten it if it came to Wii U, but not anymore.
Unless it’s a real working cartridge, I’m not interested.
Piss off, microsoft shill.
Why are some of these japanese devs so goddamn hard-headed when it comes to this? Why don’t they get that their games are appealing just the way they are, in fact may be appealing to many westerners specifically because of their japanese elements?
GWX control panel.