
Fuck windows 10 and fuck anyone who supports it.

No, it is exactly the kind of “game” that mobile deserves. It’s a big “fuck you” to anyone who ever whined about Nintendo games on mobile. As it should be.

No, it sounds exactly like the kind of “game” that mobile deserves, that’s what it sounds like. It’s a big “fuck you” to anyone who ever whined about Nintendo games on mobile. As it should be.

Yeah I might have gotten it if it came to Wii U, but not anymore.

Unless it’s a real working cartridge, I’m not interested.

Piss off, microsoft shill.

Why are some of these japanese devs so goddamn hard-headed when it comes to this? Why don’t they get that their games are appealing just the way they are, in fact may be appealing to many westerners specifically because of their japanese elements?

GWX control panel.

and hope that she asks her team to ask the same question about their female characters (enter super sexy spy woman image, “what if this was a boy?”).

The PC port of TMNT—the DOS one, specificallywas weird for a few reasons: the sound was terrible, it didn’t look as good, and playing with a keyboard sucked.

today’s college students were born right at the point Final Fantasy stopped being fun,

Umm, doesn’t he realize that it’s been BECAUSE of ill-conceived changes, stupid “streamlining” and other nonsense, that the series was brought to the edge of crisis to begin with?

Emotional horror, at least from what little I’ve seen of it in games, more than often just comes off as sad and depressing which isn’t really what I want to experience in a game.

Well, at least the visuals are really damn good.

While I understand that concern in principle, it seems to me that we can see plenty of huge things very clearly in this video.

Yeah nevermind all the cool stuff on display that they put so many hours of work into, look at the render distance on the horizon!

Some good looking effects require no more than a couple of straight lines. And anyway, even disregarding that we’ve had high enough polycounts to do pretty much anything since ~2004.

As if these stills don’t look utterly awful on their own, right now? But we know that’s not the point.

Oh hey look, something 2D animators have known since the dawn of time. And it only took 3D game animators about 25 years of looking at cartoons before thinking: hey, maybe linear skeletal motion isn’t the best way to make something look alive.

Inflation calculators say this would be about $250 today. Still not a huge amount, but appropriate for a minor offense, maybe? Not sure, I’ve never had to bail anyone out...