
Oh I got it alright. You even recognize that framerate is a developer choice. If it wasn’t we wouldn’t have had 60fps games on every generation from now till the NES.

Where’d I ever directly accuse the reviewer? Someone didn’t seem to get what “proper” meant in this context, so I explained it. ;)

I’m not even gonna read all that, you seem awfully invested in your idea of a fairytale world where everyone’s right (except those you disagree with). So I’ll just leave you to it. :)

I don’t think you get to decide what anyone else is allowed to view as cinematic or not, and how far they go, or don’t go, in making something look as such.

I think you’re the one who’s unable to just accept that there is such a thing as a dishonest opinion. And if you’ve read carefully, you’ll see I haven’t even actually accused the reviewer of this. I replied to the one person clarifying what the other person likely meant by “proper”.

Cosplayers are constantly in the awkward position of having to correct the people who think that their hobby is a sex thing

What you’re saying implies we can’t ever know or make a reasonable guess as to anyone’s motivations for saying anything at all. Which is of course nonsense.

I don’t know, why does anyone get upset when something they hold dear is criticized in what they feel is a dishonest manner? It’s basic psychology and should be obvious, unless you’re just feigning ignorance for effect?

A “proper” opinion judges the product in an honest fashion. As opposed to an “opinion” that doesn’t actually serve that purpose but merely serves for the reviewer to assert himself as being controversial, to vent other unrelated frustrations, or is based on misunderstanding.

Anyone who cries about a game not being in HD, I just can’t take seriously as a gamer or as a person able to appreciate visual art of any kind, period.

I’ve backed about 10 so far and they all turned out fine. Of course I have some semblance of good judgement when it comes to choosing a ks project.

It’s called “finally had it with this shit after 20-odd years” and if you are ever in any way embarrassed to talk to people about videogames, then you’re part of the problem.

Please piss off to tumblr, you cunt.

but maybe the online store actually runs at a decent pace and doesn’t keep breaking.

Hahahaha new blood hahahaha

Spot on.

You joke, but that’s the attitude in China. Coming up with new ideas is actually a social taboo. It is seen as stupid, a waste of time and money.

Hahaha fucking China... are there any Chinese out there with a shred of self-respect?

Yeah kinda like that. I have a conspiracy theory that they’re all Sega fanboys who grew old and got jobs in game dev, but are still bitter about the outcome of the whole Sega vs Nintendo thing. :p Think about it... those people didn’t just disappear!

It makes perfect sense why most hate Nintendo.