
AFAIK Mojang was still in the hands of Notch when the WiiU launched. He would’ve never allowed Minecraft anywhere near a Nintendo console, he’s made this quite clear with his immature tweets bashing them and their platforms.

Depends what you mean by “core gameplay”. The combat and movement were alright. The actual parts that make Metroid Metroid, i.e. complex progression of exploration, were a fucking joke.

Oh so I’m not the only one who thinks Sqarr is an insufferable petty little twat?

You could’ve used a better example for the photo mode filters. That screenshot makes the game look flat, low-poly and frankly last-last gen.

It sounds like you’re the kind of person who “questions” Nintendo constantly. Even a broken clock...

You can often tell just from the video presentation which KS projects will come out with a successful product, and which ones are going to struggle, hardly even make it past alpha, and crash massively.

I just want to know if there’s gonna be some sort of singleplayer story mode. That’s really all I care about. To me this whole universe they made feels utterly wasted on a multiplayer shooter.

I don’t get it? She looks damn hot to me. Maybe she’s just not animu enough for some of these weeaboos (I say that as a massive anime fan myself).

Sorry to tell you this but you’re not gonna get traditional Fire Emblem on your stupid phone. It’s gonna be like a visual novel or something.

No, no it’s not.

That’s sad. :( Either way: a worse version of the new Zelda. That’s what he’s gonna get now. And make no mistake, it will be. All hastily-ported cross-gen games are.

That’s a penis.

I was just messing with a hater, I like both consoles equally. ;)

My main point was about the new Zelda, which isn’t an old game. In fact it’s not even a new game yet. ;)

Oh absolutely. I was just messing with an N64 hater. I actually very very much appreciate the sort of “3D pixel art” that you could get on some of the best looking PSX games. Frankly while everyone kinda shits on that generation, I believe the limitations in all 3 consoles bred more visual creativity than many games

Is it just me or does this seem like a recipe for some serious retina destruction among the crowd...

Ah the old “it has mario in it so it must be the same game innit” lmao. What an idiot.

Oh piss off and go back to cod25 or halo9.

This is still a lot less colorful than the original though. It’s more Dark Souls than Warcraft.

There’s solutions to those things that don’t include introducing the incomparably gigantic shitpile that is China’s current copyright situation into the entire world.