That’s sad. :( Either way: a worse version of the new Zelda. That’s what he’s gonna get now. And make no mistake, it will be. All hastily-ported cross-gen games are.
That’s sad. :( Either way: a worse version of the new Zelda. That’s what he’s gonna get now. And make no mistake, it will be. All hastily-ported cross-gen games are.
That’s a penis.
I was just messing with a hater, I like both consoles equally. ;)
My main point was about the new Zelda, which isn’t an old game. In fact it’s not even a new game yet. ;)
Oh absolutely. I was just messing with an N64 hater. I actually very very much appreciate the sort of “3D pixel art” that you could get on some of the best looking PSX games. Frankly while everyone kinda shits on that generation, I believe the limitations in all 3 consoles bred more visual creativity than many games…
Is it just me or does this seem like a recipe for some serious retina destruction among the crowd...
Ah the old “it has mario in it so it must be the same game innit” lmao. What an idiot.
Oh piss off and go back to cod25 or halo9.
This is still a lot less colorful than the original though. It’s more Dark Souls than Warcraft.
There’s solutions to those things that don’t include introducing the incomparably gigantic shitpile that is China’s current copyright situation into the entire world.
.....where’s all the color gone? Oh right, it’s next-gen.
“Turned the every-man into a criminal?” Haha, let me guess, you pirate games under the motto “information wants to be free!” and “no sales were lost because it’s just a copy!”.
I hate large soulless corporations as much as the next guy, but I’m sorry to say, you’re an idiot. A perfect case study of what happens when copyright disappears is right there in front of you in the form of China. There, it no longer makes financial sense to actually spend the time and effort to come up with your own…
The death of creativity. Like with many such idealized scenarios, it wouldn’t work because people are shitty.
I don’t literally have a million things, silly.
Funny that you mention Star Wars in a comparison to Doom. EpVII to me felt as if they made Doom 4 as a simple level mod for the original game and ran it in Dosbox.
Meh, they did it in Rage. Kind of.
There’s about a million things I’d sooner get rid of in a move than a game console, but yeah if you’re really that deep in the shit that you need to, then that falls under the aforementioned “dire situations”.
Well it’s difficult to recognize a thing like that as a joke when you’d already demonstrated your apparent lack of good judgement earlier in the thread. ;)
Blah blah blah “hey look at my shitty vibrating chunks that are supposed to be graphics, I’m a Playstation bitches! I can’t render for shit because I don’t have a real GPU!” :D