
On the contrary, people who make straight reproductions of existing games are just “regular” pirates who take the risk of getting sued by a corporation.

Just my 2c, but you should teach your kids that sometimes there is no sense in waiting just because you’re in doubt about something.

Haven’t played Batman (yet), but the Darksiders games were alright, 2 kinda felt cut short though. Which makes sense seeing as what happened to THQ. Anyway, I just don’t feel spoilt for choice like I do for open-world or linear games.

That series (and Blodborne which I kinda consider a spinoff) has been mentioned three times already, that kinda shows you how much choice we have for that kinda game nowadays. :p

Yeah but the involvement still comes from combat almost exclusively. I guess that’s my major beef with games now. Combat focus to the detriment of almost everything else.

Yeah, too bad that’s not the kind of game that’s generally favored by the industry anymore. Even Metroid itself has gotten more linear.

I’ve been past caring about the pores on a model’s skin and the stitches on its clothes ever since Crysis. This just looks like a bunch of nothing to me.

Metroid and metroid-like games were perfect for that, without devolving into mindless on-rails borefests at the same time. But it seems the industry just doesn’t like those anymore.

This game series goes too far in the other direction, just like CoD or other big name “cinematic experiences”.

Well of course you don’t need to concern yourself with greedy immoral assholes who commit injustice, this world is too full of them and life is too short. But that doesn’t change the fact that they are, and that Kotaku shouldn’t put them in a positive light.

I’m not talking about the corporations, I’m talking about the small individual whose months or often years of work to create a fan-translation or fan-mod is being stolen and sold for a huge markup.

That doesn’t make it any less morally reprehensible, especially towards homebrew translators, and it shouldn’t be encouraged.

I don’t think you’ve quite understood what I’m saying.

I remember this exact thing being done in a different game years ago. It had the same side-on view, and the same thing with the different colored limbs for each player. Except you were a giant monster or something instead of Voltron?

Please don’t give these leeches money. They have nothing to do with the team that originally created the mod. They just took someone’s passion project that was available for free off the internet, and are trying to make a profit off it.

Umm Jason, almost all of the time, these repros are created and sold without the consent of the person who made the hack/translation. They are highly frowned upon.

No, I had been playing my N64 recently, one of the games being Doom64.

Your TV must have been bad as well. I have my N64 hooked up to a CRT TV right at this second and the game looks fine.

It was your TV. I have my N64 hooked up to a CRT right now and everything is perfectly visible, except of course those few times it’s intended to be pitch black when the lights go out.

Doom is showing you something you can’t get to, which encourages you to ask questions like “What is that?” and “how do I get there?” Can you imagine a modern shooter like Call of Duty or Battlefield doing such a thing?