
I never even said anything about how it looks weird or whatever. That’s not the main reason I think it’ll fail.

So I’ve tried VR games/demos several times now, and I still don’t give a damn. Now what are you gonna tell me?

The redone graphics are terrible. The more you get into it, the more you’ll realize this. It’s not just “because they don’t look like the old sprites”, they are shit because of many basic artistic and visual-technical problems that apply universally regardless of nostalgia or lack thereof.

What makes a photo better than a drawing for diddling? Because you fool yourself into thinking since it’s a real person you may one day get with them? LOL. Fucking weirdo.

Super Mario 64, Tomb Raider on PSX (both original console, CRT TV, as it should be!) and god knows how often I still bring out the original Doom and Doom 2 whenever I’ve got a few minutes to kill.

LOL “fag”, are you 14? You must be, if this seems impressive to you, you little twerp. :) You have very very low standards.

Now why on earth would a company fund something that any kid can throw together with UE4 in an afternoon nowadays? Are you crazy? Look at it, it’s just a bare few polygons with a tiling texture slapped on. It looks like crap, once you get past the standard UE shiny particles floating around. The fact that it has bloom

Depends how you define “graphics”. I’m not sure there’s an official term for that. Some people define it as the screen resolution, polygon count, and amount of shaders used. Whenever I talk about graphics I’ll be talking about how pretty the game looks in general. To me, anything Nintendo-made running on a 3DS or Wii

This is UE4, with it, any random toddler can throw together something shit-looking-but-shiny like this in a day. The Skyward Sword lava temple screenshot Jango posted looks a million times better than this, and that’s running on the Wii.

Oh well, anyway, this is getting too long, so I’m out. Have fun playing games where you just get everything unlocked at the start, I’ll go play something that’s not boring as shit. :)

You know what, I don’t think you don’t quite understand videogames at all, in fact I’m not sure if you’ve been following any of this conversation. You ok?

Skill? You mean “skill” to grind all the rupees needed to have all the items right from the start? Sure. :D

What’s true, that the item shop is a bad idea? You’re right about that.
And of course it gets a good metacritic rating, it has the usual Nintendo polish and gameplay quality. There’s just this one core element that sours it. Read deeper into people’s opinions and reviews on this game and you’ll find this is a common

The art looks alright, but that’s not what he’s saying.

The art looks alright, but that’s not what he’s saying.

I simply mean the original had just a fraction of the mechanics of later games and it was still more interesting than lbw.

Without those elements which were added soon after the first game, Metroid would just be another shooter today. Like ALBW is just another hack-and-slash where you just mindlessly grind for items. At least compared to other Zelda games (even the original).

It was still something that eliminated most of the fun of exploring. Imagine if in Super Metroid you just walked through the game without encountering any mysterious inaccessible stuff along the way, because you got all your abilities including the screw attack right at the first goddamn screen by killing beetles for

Then you completely and utterly fucking missed the point of a beautiful game even though it was right there in front of you.

Funny how people always make that assumption when confronted with a truth about a game they like.