
Fuck anyone who complains about “backtracking” in this game or any other. It’s your fault that games have become reduced to linear corridor combat on one end and meaningless, structureless open world heightmaps with quick-travel on the other.

No, secrets were hidden behind grinding rupees.

LBW was boring as shit because you could just get all the items right away.

My question: where’s the mod that replaces dudes’ character portraits and sprites with perfectly chiseled abs and asses?

You’re one hypocritical douchebag, patrick. Hope you’re happy with the clicks, though!

Thing X is popular and/or sells well, therefore there’s a lot of it.

I think we all know the answer to that last question.

This article is terrible fucking bullwank, but nice clickbait. Well done.

No, it’s over-used HDR. Do a google image search for hdr and you’ll find many other terrible examples. It’s a tool often misused by inexperienced photographers, or those with no talent at all.

Terrible use of HDR by a photographer with no talent.

Young Conker takes the popular squirrel created by Microsoft-owned developer Rare off platform gaming

I don’t get how anyone can possibly want to use Twitch for this. The only difference is the chat, and given enough people, it is impossible to have any sort of conversation. It’s just pages of random one- or two-word lines flying by. When something notable happens, it’s just pages of single all-caps words and some

To me, the fun of Star Wars is the glory of possibility.

Dunno why this is being linked from kotaku today but all I’ll say is holy shit this article is fucking stupid and wrong in so many ways.

I did basically this 15 years ago in Unreal Engine 1.

Doesn’t look like anything special. Any random Unreal Engine game can have photorealism now. That kinda stuff isn’t special anymore, and it baffles me why you’re still impressed by it. That screenshot you posted at the top especially looks utterly boring and bog-standard, something an indie developer can churn out in

Everyone? This hack is definitely not for me, so it already failed if that was truly the aim (I am included in that subset).

Loading times were faster,

Connecting an older console to an LCD is one of the most horrific things you can do to it. Yes, even with that framemeister bullshit that makes them look like they’re running on an emulator.
