
Mortal Kombat has cunt punt fatalities. It gets to be on Twitch.

No UR stupid! >:(

I know 4channers love this shit, yeah.

“Look at me everyone, I hate anime THIS much! Look!”

I don’t know what you intend by mentioning clone wars. As for what character I enjoy playing? Not one of the above.

Well yeah but you see crap like this in games all the time regardless of whether there’s a contest or not.

Pretty much yeah.

that doesn’t have any sort of actual effect on your gameplay experience.

And this, my friends, is why I avoid any online multiplayer game with user customization like the fucking plague.

Well not literally because then he wouldn’t have been able to stand on it in the first place... ;)

I was wondering how soon the first person would show up complaining about the price. Not all games have to be 1 dollar like your smartphone trash.

The shiniest, most visually impressive versions of big-budget games? They get a lot of those, too.

I’m sorry you feel that way. But it still sounds terrible. :) Also the pixel art doesn’t look very good.

So funny that some people just assume you’re mad if you don’t have a positive opinion on something. I wonder why. Maybe they’re projecting.

Sounds absolutely terrible. Specifically the random generation part.

While I’d say it’s the lesser of the old style RE’s, RE0 shits all over the horrible 5 and 6 from a great height, it’s better than Revelations, and I even prefer it over 4 (if only slightly).

Of course konami’s gonna lap this up. Saves them from having to spend money making a videogame.

The games don’t go fullscreen so the bigger screen size is wasted, and actually the effective size with the black borders is smaller than a GBA or GBA SP.

I don’t get it. Games don’t go full screen, unused buttons, cartridge sticking out, and the overall looks are just off. If you’re modding something, why not just mod an original GBA with a backlight?

His eyes are just as big as everyone else’s. They’re just not wide open. If he’d had an expression like the other figures he’d look just as weird.