
I’m just glad they didn’t do this to a character from any game I care about.

Exactly. This is one of many ways in which better graphics can make games worse.

Hahahahahaha what

As a non-american it’s still fucking weird to me that over there you can actually have a health issue and not be able to get help because you don’t have enough money. Really scary.

Was really hoping to hear “join the army they said, see the world they said! I’d rather go sailing.”

I was thinking maybe Snoke somehow ordered his body to be salvaged, and revived him for who knows what evil purpose.

An indiscriminately applied filter like this is never going to look consistently good on a game that wasn’t created with it in mind. But that’s user mods for ya. It’s why I never use them.

There should be a worse punishment than what we have for child murderers.


Likely story, mr. Cthulhu.

......why is there a tentacle.

The game was made for the PSX, and it shows. On that old console, running on a good CRT TV, it’s an impressive example of what a piece of hardware can be made to do, when a team of artists and programmers put their mind to it.

RE4 wins all of these just for putting a tingle down my spine even remembering it. Didn’t even have to watch the video.

Always love when people see something that they don’t understand, and immediately jump to the cheating conclusion.

Are we really doing this?

Saying “that tall guy is has a high height” is redundant because “tall” means the same thing as “having a high height”.

You cannot eliminate the phrase “is emo” from “Kylo Ren” without losing information.

I’m sorry but your example looks even more horrible without the bilinear filter. There you commit the ultimate of crimes towards pixel art: irregular pixel rescaling.

That’s great, what about every single one of the other characters who aren’t underage yet also had their outfits changed? I know none of you people have an answer to that, which is why all posts merely focus on the one underage character among the group.

The saying “you measure my corn by your bushel” comes to mind.